Example sentences of "most up to date " in BNC.

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1 The Port of Belfast now handles more than 55% of Northern Ireland 's seaborne trade and the Harbour Commissioners feel that this success is due in no small part to the investment programme which saw £25 million invested over the last five years in a modernisation programme designed to ensure that the Port of Belfast can offer its customers the most up to date , cost effective cargo handling facilities .
2 You 'll get the most up to date equipment on the market today .
3 The worldwide list of national governing body addresses is the most up to date anywhere .
4 Most knitters would agree , that you never stop learning once you have a machine ; but what you make on it is not necessarily dependent on yours being the most up to date you can buy , or how many accessories you have .
5 That most important item , the Pastor 's Letter , is also the most up to date ( ie it always misses the deadline and has to be delivered by hand ) .
6 Study the non NHS sections of Nursing Times and Nursing Standard and this will give you the most up to date information on current vacancies .
7 Our most up to date probing of Intel Corp 's P5 or Pentium architecture — given that the company is sending different messages to different parts of the industry — has the processor running at only two thirds of its promised speed and needing both a heat sink and fan to dissipate the heat it is producing .
8 Erm , so , the , given any organisation should always be looking at what it 's been , it 's doing to see whether , what it 's doing , erm , it should continue to do , you know , whether the , whether the services is a defunct or whatever , or whether we could provide it in a , erm in the most up to date way , the most progressive way .
9 Oh jolly good Sue 'll be the most up to date one .
10 In contrast to the rather weak relationships noted above , the Bank of England 's most up to date model suggests a much stronger impact of the interest rate on gross fixed investment ( Easton 1990 ) .
11 Ideally , this volume should be consulted to check that the most up to date recommendations are used .
12 The most up to date figures are flashed on to television screens in news bulletins as soon as they are available , and when abnormal rises occur they make banner headlines in the press .
13 The charity says New College uses the most up to date technology to help youngsters learn to cope in everday situations .
14 Due to recent grant aid from the EC , Cavan Indoor Riding Centre , one of the most up to date in the country , has been attracting Ulster riders in their droves .
15 Peter Rice at agents Richard Ellis/Hepper Robinson in Liverpool said : ‘ This virtually new production facility is one of the most up to date in the northwest and will have special appeal to manufacturers requiring sprinklers and the other fire safety features .
16 ‘ It will also allow us to get the most up to date information and solve any problems of inaccuracy . ’
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