Example sentences of "high [conj] [art] average " in BNC.

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1 Unemployment is higher than the average for Scotland .
2 Consequently the contribution of petrol lead to blood lead of adults would be higher than the average 24 per cent calculated for Turin . ’
3 This , together with house price rises since 1980 , indicated that houses were being sold to buyers on incomes substantially higher than the average in Allegheny West .
4 Waiting times for elective treatment in inner London teaching hospitals is higher than the average , although the report noted an improvement in the past year .
5 Mr Lindsey said that , from 5 January , S&P were offering a variable Tessa paying an initial 7.5% , against the fixed rate version at 5.875% , which is slightly higher than the average that S&P , as a group , has been forecasting for the financial year beginning in April 1993 .
6 Economic indicators show that Cheshire claims to be one of the richest counties in the North of England , with hourly earnings considerably higher than the average for England as a whole .
7 Unemployment on the estates themselves is much higher than the average for the surrounding areas .
8 According to the Labour Force Survey , the proportion of agency workers working on a temporary basis because they do not want permanent jobs is considerably higher than the average for all temporary workers and that the proportion of agency secretarial/office workers doing so is still higher ( see Table 5.1 ) .
9 The 1991 figure is some 9% higher than the average for years 1981–85 .
10 But she also knows that relative shifts in demand occur and that these too can lead to her price being higher than the average .
11 Both of these groups had non-completion rates which were higher than the average for all students .
12 My colleagues and I actually take no pleasure in agreeing to a rent increase which results in the highest public sector rates among our neighbouring districts er it is some eighteen percent higher than the average of eight local councils .
13 A forecast from the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development suggests that Japan 's economic growth in 1993 will be higher than the average for the six other leading industrial nations .
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