Example sentences of "again [art] following [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ten teams took part in the first race in 1975 , and they all enjoyed themselves so they thought they would do it again the following year .
2 He came to Europe in 1948 and returned again the following year when his familiar blue and yellow Maserati was a regular sight at Grand Prix on the continent .
3 After the burning of the forest , pioneer trees appear and it is burnt again , and again the following year .
4 Torrance was the winner at nearby Penina in 1982 and again the following year at Troia near Lisbon , and showed his liking for Portuguese courses by finishing fourth here at Vila Sol on the Algarve last year .
5 But Baldwin still had St George 's to face — polling day was a week later , and Baldwin spoke twice in the interval , once at the Queen 's Hall , and again the following night at the Constitutional Club .
6 Because the chemical reaction between ozone and chlorine lowers the temperature , this makes it even easier for ice clouds to form again the following winter and the process goes round in a circle .
7 He 'd been back again the following weekend , and he had had just the same unsettling effect on her .
8 Fitted with a four blade prop and flying in yellow primer and silver dope with its civil registration proudly on the side , G-ORGI flew again the following day for thirty minutes .
9 Erm remember the hay we would be turning it w with pitchforks you know , and erm not a well goo drying day but you had to risk turning it and hoping that it 'd be dry but er it would be raining again the following day .
10 So anyway , she got over it and all she had to do she she tell her to stay in bed now for s so many days but she 'd be up again the following day and then the nurse 'd come and have a look under her feet and she 'd say you been up again she 'd say .
11 He took the trouble to work on it further when it was given again the following season , eliminating the somewhat superfluous role of a pastor , for instance , and putting the women into soft shoes instead of point shoes so that the movement looked more natural .
12 The pair of them teamed up again the following season when Moss also joined the German manufacturer .
13 Thiercelin spoke to him again the following evening , when he reluctantly conceded that one of his colleagues could remember the man they were seeking .
14 Lift again the following autumn or spring and many of the stems will have rooted ; these can be detached for potting up .
15 It was the target of an IRA bomb in December 1991 , just before the pantomime and was reopened yet again the following spring .
16 In the hour before dawn , when the pulsar had risen above the horizon and the sky was still dark , they picked up pulsations at the correct rate — and , as confirmation , found them again the following morning .
17 She had to continue driving the van all day , and again the following morning .
18 She had been reluctant to put it away , wishing she had no other commitments so that she could continue with the next chapter and looking forward to getting down to work again the following morning .
19 He 'd then had to drive back down to Harlow again the following morning to sort out further problems with the system .
20 A headline had grabbed her attention and so she bought the paper and sat in the booth reading over and over again the following morning .
21 The ballet was popular enough to be given again the following summer .
22 Maxine came to see me again the following week and we began the follow-up treatment , along the lines of those which you will find detailed in the ‘ case histories ’ sections of this book .
23 You 'd all decided to meet again the following week and she counted the days because she was longing to be with you again .
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