Example sentences of "ask him to come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He touched his right hand to his forehead , lips and chest , and without a word presented a note to Huy , from Taheb , asking him to come to her immediately .
2 One was from the editor , regretting that there were no vacancies , the other was from the news editor , asking him to come to Dublin immediately for an interview .
3 Mother asked him to come to Sunday lunch and he made some awful speech about not assuming , or something . ’
4 She asked him to come to her room so as not to overhear any more , and then they went downstairs in an express lift : a glass-and-gilt beetle that hurtled the twenty-eight floors in nine and a half seconds .
5 One day Mr Brownlow asked him to come to his study for a little talk .
6 Before his second visit , in November 1978 , Brezinski asked him to come to the White House to meet Carter , Secretary of state Cyrus Vance , and Stansfield Turner , the director of the CIA .
7 He raised with me certain personal problems that he was facing and I asked him to come to my regular constituency surgery to discuss matters in more detail .
8 No , I called him up in the week , in the holiday and I asked him to come to Shelley 's and he said call me back .
9 ‘ You should n't be alone … shall I find Fernand and ask him to come to you ? ’
10 ‘ Then ask him to come to the phone . ’
11 I ask him to come to the bathroom and help me tend my hand .
12 The Sunday before she had asked him to come to tea .
13 But what you have to do is actually realize that Jesus died for you you have to be sorry for all the things that you 've done wrong and you need to ask him to come into your life and to be your own saviour .
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