Example sentences of "think through the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Equally , management should think through the message which it wants to convey to employees so that it does not arrive too soon in a half baked form , leading to demands for endless meetings and possible confrontation .
2 The primary role for researchers should be to work alongside practitioners and help them understand not only what clients are saying but help them think through the nature and impact of their interventions .
3 The ‘ dialectic ’ method thinks through the contradiction between categories given to the thinker that also subordinate her .
4 But had anyone thought through the relationship between coal and rail ?
5 How common is it to find Christians who have thought through the problem of doubt as a whole , rather than thinking through doubt piecemeal ?
6 The Southern member states are pushing for this to happen straightaway without having thought through the format of the export document required by the Regulation .
7 The question ‘ Have you thought through the basis of your faith ? ’ is for many people almost inseparable from the best books they have read dealing with the heart of faith and understanding .
8 As well as explaining the financial challenges of starting up a new business , Sue makes sure her students have thought through the effect it will have on their lives .
9 Obstacles such as these lead Bachelard to formulate a theory of ‘ material psychoanalysis ’ which offers a ‘ psychoanalysis of objective knowledge ’ to account for and think through the problem of epistemological obstacles .
10 As the election campaign threatens to engulf us , think through the trivia and above the bickering to the real values of the Conservatives compared to the phoney , intrusive dictums of the leaners to the Left .
11 But then think through the logic from the football authorities ' perspective .
12 Think through the commitment of being a full-time carer beforehand .
13 Yes , you 've got to have a certain degree of structure in it and that happens I think through the parish council in a number of the key areas , but you have got to retain a degree of flexibility , otherwise you will just stifle initiative , you 'll stifle growing issues that happen .
14 Bachelard tries to think through the problem of how epistemological obstacles operated both before and after scientificity .
15 Robyn forced herself to think through the fog , to recall what had happened the night before .
16 Thus Houston attempts to think through the difference which television 's textual specificity presents to theories of the psychoanalytic and semiotic subject , while recognizing at the same time the interrelationship between that specificity and the specificities of institution and viewing .
17 Communication between firms is unnecessary to achieve the market equilibrium , since this is done by the firms independently thinking through the logic of the situation .
18 Your first tasks are amongst the hardest : to clear your head and to get down to really thinking through the essence of your project :
19 But such theories are parasitic on an implicit understanding that law is a type of instrument adapted to specific important purposes , and such theories are of little guidance in thinking through the role of international law in controlling force for they can suggest no more than a mimicking of the institutions of municipal law without regard to the purposes of having such or similar institutions in the international context .
20 More recently Gallop has remarked her suspicion of the wish to deny sexual difference because it ‘ might be but another mode of denying women ’ , adding : ‘ I distrust male homosexuals because they choose men over women just as do our social and political institutions , but they too share in the struggle against bipolar gender constraints , against the compulsory choice of masculine or feminine ’ ( Thinking through the Body , 1 13 ) .
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