Example sentences of "about the proper [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It sets up a continuing argument about the proper character of scientific method , which ‘ Realism ’ has not resolved .
2 He was busily pruning his nails with a pair of scissors and trying to make up his mind about the proper degree of flippancy to adopt for his conversation with Madeleine , when the romance of his afternoon was suddenly eclipsed by the strident voice of his father , grating like a rusty wheel on a dry axle .
3 None the less there is disagreement among the sources about the proper interpretation of a modality of this kind .
4 There were internal arguments about the honouring of martyrs and about the proper way of ensuring that the honours did not become confused with old heathen practices , such as offering food and wine at the tombs of ancestors .
5 In the snail darter case the justices of the Supreme Court argued about the proper way to read the Environmental Protection Act .
6 In the past the controversy about the nature of the role of the Commons has been reflected in arguments about the proper level of MPs ' pay .
7 This column aims to summarise the essence of replies and answer any queries about the proper response to a reply from a Government , Embassy or Human Rights Organisation .
8 Views differ about the proper relationship between the mass media and society .
9 Speaking last week at a conference entitled ‘ New Directions in Technology Policy ’ , Commerce secretary Ron Brown said that ‘ a raging debate about the proper relationship between industry and the government ’ is over and that the government is ‘ ready to work hand-in-hand with industry to strengthen the US economy ’ .
10 As for sentencing , English courts have been unclear about the proper approach .
11 There are no firm legal rules about the proper approach that a company should adopt , but often it will be reasonable to look at the organisation as a whole , without dividing it into separate compartments .
12 But the nineteenth century was also to see more radical questioning of this assumption about the proper approach to the matter . )
13 The loose bundle of phenomena , including such disparate occurrences as unruly behaviour of large crowds at sporting events , destruction of or damage to public property by juveniles , disturbing trends in crime statistics and overcrowding in prisons , is frequently referred to as the problem of ‘ law and order ’ and by that designation is placed within a particular set of priorities and linked generalisations about the proper structure of society , typically one in which the respect for law and the maintenance of public order have a particularly high value .
14 The economically equitable assumptions behind changes in the property law often , for instance , came into conflict with inherited beliefs about the proper division of labour in the family and ideologies of femininity — and the latter usually won .
15 In any event , the experience of PNP raises important questions about the proper focus of an LEA 's policies .
16 looking at the main views on offer about the proper focus of RE and ; 2. setting out a possible rapprochement between these approaches which tries to bring together what is good about them , and add what they all tend to omit .
17 They find themselves operating between two broad publics or constituencies with competing views about the proper realm of government in regulating the economy .
18 Today , much confusion exits about the proper definition of entrepreneurship .
19 Acute hardship persisted until widows ' pensions — granted in 1925 — ameliorated the problem , but even then ambivalent feelings on the part of the authorities about the proper place of the able-bodied widow persisted .
20 Such a debate of course is rooted in the values of the participants about the proper place and value of government activity .
21 On the contrary , it is precisely these conviction — about the best techniques for reading a statute , about the proper place of statutes in a constitutional structure , about the connection between a constitution and the idea of law , about the soundest conception of justice — that will determine for him which elaboration of abstract convention is best and therefore what the law requires .
22 By themselves the facts are neutral but in so far as moral views about the proper role of the media are based upon presumptions about facts , our empirical findings are bound to have moral implications .
23 By way of introduction , this chapter outlines three views about the proper role and status of the media : the Mobilizing Ideal , the Libertarian Ideal , and the Public Service Ideal .
24 Henceforth , the Treasury and the Bank did not allow their minds to be troubled by questions about the proper role for sterling .
25 This uncertainty about the proper role of litigation by private citizens is also reflected in the requirement that a litigant who applies for a prerogative order must first seek the leave of the court to do so .
26 But this assumption rests on a contestable value judgment about the proper role of the judiciary in controlling the government .
27 Views about the proper role and function of judicial remedies to control government activity are inevitably political in nature in the sense that they concern the allocation of decision-making power in society .
28 These include the rise in the proportion of married women who work ( see chapter 4 , section 4.2 ) , the trend towards smaller families ( see section 6.2 ) , the ‘ privatization ’ of the family ( see section 6.6 ) , and changing social attitudes about the proper role of men and women .
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