Example sentences of "then [vb past] himself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Springfield made as though to answer , then checked himself with a quick glance in Pam 's direction .
2 Said ‘ tell me more ’ , then revealed himself as the reviewer of the DOE proposal and only later suggested that we collaborate …
3 He came towards her and held out her glass to her , then seated himself in one of the armchairs opposite .
4 The trooper climbed reluctantly over the handrail and then lowered himself onto the supporting props below .
5 Re then described himself as the creator and related his names of Khepri at sunrise , Re at noon and Atum at sunset .
6 So Ray then found himself in the position of spending a good many of his working hours enforcing a law which he was breaking himself and increasingly afraid of being arrested by one of his mates .
7 He then entered himself at Lincoln 's Inn , and , after being called to the bar in 1789 , began to practise on the northern circuit .
8 Acads ' back play could have been more direct , but at least they contributed two cracking tries in the first half , the first by Simon Burns , with help from Ford Swanson , who then helped himself to five points as he finished of a Rowen Shepherd break .
9 He then stopped himself in mid-sentence and claimed he had been joking .
10 Confirmation of this was to be found in Geoff 's continued success in the full England international side when he appeared in Graham Taylor 's starting line-up for both the post-season matches at Wembley and then distinguished himself in all four games on the Australasian tour .
11 The young man said he would tell her when to get off and then busied himself with an oilcan among the driving wheels .
12 Billing then threw himself into land speculation , writing , yacht broking , and ‘ ship-running ’ , and by 1913 had amassed enough capital to found a yard on Southampton Water , where he pioneered the construction of flying boats ( ‘ supermarines ’ ) .
13 The boy looked up at the plane , then threw himself to the ground .
14 He then turned himself into an enormous DRAGON and settled down on top of the cache .
15 You need one of those slave-driving old studio bosses if you ask me , not a sensitive graduate who went into movies because he liked the clouds in Antonioni and then turned himself into a nouvelle vague Deutscher all hot for Truthspiel .
16 And feeling them , he had stopped swimming , thrown a wordless curse at the sky , then surrendered himself to the black cold beneath the surface of the moat .
17 The barbarian pulled himself to his feet and slung his treasure bags into a sack that hung from the saddle , then hauled himself onto the beast 's back .
18 Instinctively all on the walls and ramparts ducked , even Seton , who then cursed himself for a fool .
19 He gave his brother a quick glance , then arranged himself in the most comfortable-looking chair in the room .
20 That the real Peter Lawton killed six people and then killed himself on a motorbike less than two weeks ago ?
21 Had Alfred Glynn murdered his brother then killed himself in this frightful manner by way of expiation ?
22 A shop owner is believed to have murdered his wife and then killed himself in a double shooting .
23 ‘ The Master took them quietly from his person and told him such things were not allowed to be introduced into the workhouse , he then placed himself in a fighting attitude and threatened to knock the Master 's teeth down his throat , thereby setting bad examples to others ’
24 Daak spent a few minutes kicking the remains of the pilot out of the front of the cockpit , and then settled himself into the pilot 's bucket seat and swivelled lazily from side to side , waiting for the women .
25 Fred came into the room and picked up the evening paper then settled himself in his usual chair .
26 Realising that she had not loved him , Boris then starved himself to death .
27 Then chided himself for getting so excited about one woman , after all the women he had known .
28 Rincewind wondered if it was poisonous , then chided himself for asking such a silly question .
29 He nodded a goodbye , forced a smile , then eased himself into his car and slammed the door .
30 ‘ A Diet Cola if you have it , ’ Bernard replied then eased himself onto the stool beside Rosie .
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