Example sentences of "then [pron] [modal v] come " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And then I shall come back .
2 Let me have a word with her if she 's attractive then I might come over .
3 ( HOUSE COLLAPSES ) ’ 'Edward , it 's all in the timing , ’ Cicily Courtneidge once told him , ‘ so do your bit faster and then I 'll come on . ’
4 Then I 'll come back .
5 Then I 'll come back and we 'll talk .
6 ‘ I 'll take Lady Lassiter home , men , and then I 'll come down to the buildings .
7 ‘ I 'll put it on myself , Mother , then I 'll come and show you , ’ she said .
8 Then she added , ‘ One day , it wo n't be long , I think , and it wo n't be contrived , then I 'll come knocking on your door . ’
9 Therefore I 'm afraid were going to have to pass Sue 's book around , we 'll leave the lights on and erm she 's changed the scripture of her talks so that she will be describing the picture why 'll its been passed round and could you please sort of pass it fairly quickly , I 'll be at the back and then I 'll come down into the front again , is there anyone who 's a poet ?
10 It 's on your chart Can I just write this on the wall , then I 'll come back Right , pens down everybody then please , pens down who 's feeling very brave this morning ?
11 If I 'm really lucky then I 'll come back with a tame , talkative Angel for you .
12 is it four weeks then I 'll come back and see you ?
13 Then I 'll come back again , and I 'll ask you to marry me . ’
14 Then I 'll come home . ’
15 Then I 'll come back after lunch .
16 Then I 'll come back with them and stay with you until you fall asleep .
17 Oh , well , I 'll keep it in mind when I get the lights then I 'll come and pick the colour see what 's on offer
18 If it 's alright then I 'll come home cos Mr said to me last night , oh you want to stay here the night .
19 Mind you if you can take his toast down , take his cereal down , then I 'll come back .
20 Now if they 're multiplied or divided then you ca n't say , Oh well I 'll just take this bit and do that and then I 'll come back for the other one .
21 know what I want and then I 'll come back to what I was doing .
22 I du n no i if everyone else is not doing anything , then I 'll come .
23 Do you want me to go , erm , and get changed then I , and then I can come and watch the .
24 Just wait a moment , while I make myself a little more Presentable , then I will come with you . ’
25 So I had to drive out past him , pull over to the other side of the road as much as possible to let him come through and the other cars come through , then I could come .
26 Tony gives us till quarter ter seven then 'e 'll come back and drive it out o' the yard .
27 Er and then somebody 'd come along and say , are you Jack ?
28 When I was working at British Airways we used to do a lot of technical training and erm it was sort of on er airline regulation , stuff like that and you could always tell the activists cos they did n't really want to all they wanted to do was to get on the computers and actually trying out things out themselves , they piece of furniture the activists do n't want to read the instructions , they want to start putting it together and then they 'd learn from actually putting it together rather than them reading the instructions and regulation training you could always tell the activist cos they sort of always like chopping every bit , they just want to they just want to get on the computers and start inputting numbers and they 'll actually learn , they , they prefer to do that and then somebody can come round and help them out when they get into trouble rather than some of the other which perhaps like to more up front and that 's the activist .
29 When you 've done that homework , then you 'll come back and give me your answer . ’
30 Then you 'll come back to the farm and have your supper . ’
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