Example sentences of "could pick [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In theory , you could pick up every voucher issued for only $130m .
2 After a week or two 's good behaviour Nigel began to feel the need to prove to himself that he could pick up a genuine , bona-fide amateur about the same age as Caroline — someone young enough to be his daughter , in other words .
3 You could pick up a seat by knowing the right people , having gone to the right school or being thought to be worth a few thousand — almost the first question put to the prospective MP for Richmond , Sir George Harvie-Watt , when he went up before the local selection committee in 1937 was whether he would subscribe £700 to the local association .
4 Nutty went to watch the next Wednesday , to see if she could pick up a tip or two , and at least find out what they had to beat .
5 ‘ If the middle tier marketed themselves better , they could pick up a lot of business . ’
6 Soon she would herself be in the market for a new home , and , though she and Boyd could not hope to outdo a contractor like the Mayor building for himself , she could pick up a few ideas and have them incorporated into their new house in Vanier Heights .
7 Alternatively you could pick up a pinstripe suit from tried and trusted Marks & Spencer .
8 The shares are now just 2.5p , so you could pick up a massive 4,000 shares for £100 before brokers fees .
9 Five feet three , immensely strong — ‘ could pick up a thirteen-stone man by the seat of his pants ’ — a craftsman collier — ‘ he would look at the seam of coal … take a Number Two mandrel [ a half-headed pick ] and if he hit it just right , something like twenty tons of coal would fall out of the coal face ’ — and a man with a ‘ love of words , the longer the better ’ .
10 Before 1950 there was no regional TV station or transmitter : only Parisians could pick up a TV signal ; in 1958 only 50 per cent of the population could tune in to the one black-and-white TV channel .
11 Now , if like me you 've yet to attempt this big production number you could pick up a few tips here , after all , we 've a number of professionals in this hundred , hoteliers , dressmakers , cake makers , photographers , and video makers , registrars , ministers , but above all , we have a lot ex-brides here , and let's start off by finding how many we have .
12 Well I would say that erm , in my time , er when they became unemployed , most of them could pick up a job pretty easy because I was speaking about from nineteen forty eight onwards , and of course er it was shortly after a war , there was plenty of work , and therefore most of them could pick up a job in a reasonable space of time and they would n't be idle too long .
13 Well I would say that erm , in my time , er when they became unemployed , most of them could pick up a job pretty easy because I was speaking about from nineteen forty eight onwards , and of course er it was shortly after a war , there was plenty of work , and therefore most of them could pick up a job in a reasonable space of time and they would n't be idle too long .
14 Though he could pick up a bit on the stable management , if he 'd a mind .
15 Anyone , almost , could pick up a stone or work a piece of flint to use as a tool , but making metals was a far more skilled job .
16 If you stand here it might look beautiful , but if you pick up each one individually you 'll see weeds germinating , brittle bits and you could pick up a disease in the early stages which you just would n't see otherwise .
17 Liberal Democrat Peter Bergg could pick up a significant number of protest votes which will boost his party 's previous showing .
18 They did erm twenty years ago a teenager , a girl of sixteen could leave home she could pick up a job just like that !
19 Although his instincts could pick up no sense of immediate threat in these rooms , he still felt far from at ease .
20 This is why cable and satellite technology must advance together ; reception centres in parts of Britain with a good view of the satellite could pick up the signals and relay them by cable into nearby homes .
21 If only he could pick up the rock and hurl it , defiantly , to reciprocate the violence with such a true aim , that it would smash whatever the chosen target .
22 Missy had heard their engines long before a human ear could pick up the first faint sound and had come to tell her .
23 At Morrison & Gibb , according to one survivor , the girls went up to a special room to learn all the types , and another former Morrison & Gibb " learner " remembered that " you were given a card with the lay of the case " and just had to get on with it , practising until you could pick up the type correctly .
24 We could pick up the World Service , Voice of America ( VOA ) and a number of local stations which broadcast in English and French .
25 He could pick up the fear .
26 Since they look very similar even a regular buyer could pick up the larger size without realising it — but of course the scanner at the check out would recognise the different bar code and charge the correct amount .
27 We designed a new machine that could pick up the in-can system and position it within the can , without damage .
28 The twins had been thrilled with the computer , of course — how was it that even small children could pick up the mechanics of these complicated machines in five seconds flat ?
29 I do not suppose I am the first naive monolinguist who thought he could pick up the language on the street , somehow acquiring it passively just by basking in the babble of the market , like getting a tan .
30 Well when I was last playing with it that James kept on er in and in that erm he stopped at the station and I have to take it like that far enough cos I wanted Gordon to be there so he co could pick up the express pick , up the coaches
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