Example sentences of "could happen [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 However careful the oil companies are , there is every chance a similar tragedy to the Shetlands could happen off the south or west Wales coasts .
2 He is , he admits , ‘ frightened ’ by what could happen to the club .
3 Nothing so commonplace could happen to the crazy Demdykes .
4 The greatest fear the airmen have is of what could happen to the people of Somalia after the international forces leave .
5 Anything could happen on the last hole at Royal St. George 's , with its six bunkers , the out-of-bounds line twelve yards beyond the green and the ever-present Duncan 's Hollow .
6 If this could happen with the CEDA merely exerting pressure upon the government from outside , the Socialist and Republican left wondered , what would the CEDA do if actually admitted to the cabinet ?
7 The County Council 's environmental consultants had said of the inner northern routes , rather than damaging an irrepr irreplaceable sensitive landscape as could happen with the other routes , the inner northern route could be seen as a means of improving the landscape .
8 Not one of the little piece picking a little piece out , but an overall assessment and this was produced for the County Council by their environmental consultants and was specifically referred to in the County Surveyor and I think County Planning Officer 's joint report , and that er assessment said , rather than damaging an an irreplaceable , sensitive landscape as could happen with the other routes , the inner northern route could be seen as a means of improving the landscape .
9 Our perception of spermatozoa was changed forever by Woody Allen 's impersonation of one in Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex , and University of Pennsylvania are giving substance to his fantasies , putting the poor little tadpoles through an arduous obstacle course to step up the process of survival of the fittest : according to Prodigy Services Co , the mad scientists have created a new class of silicon chip that can be used for analyzing sperm samples and providing a venue for fertilisation ; the technology uses microscopic obstacle courses inside a silicon wafer to weed out unhealthy sperm , and has been used successfully to fertilise a mouse egg ; the chips are etched with a virtual theme park of twisting channels , forests of columns , and other features designed to ensure only the strongest of sperm reach their goal , with some passages so small that only a single cell can pass ; the researchers have not yet applied for approval to test human fertilisation using the chip , but say that could happen within the next 12 months — Brave New World , or the embodiment of virtual sex .
10 Now however , they will be prepared to let the tribunal decide if they sign a player out of contract — and that could happen within the next few weeks .
11 Nothing could happen until the evening , but then Lucy got her chance to see the inside of Charlie 's office much sooner than she 'd expected .
12 In this exciting , optimistic approach it is important to have the ability to create pictures of what could happen in the future — ideal solutions and potential achievement .
13 Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates ' threats to make life miserable for WABI by bringing out competitive products of his own ( UX No 432 ) , are believed to involve Bristol and a Microsoft license to Wind/U which could happen in the next few weeks , though nothing has been signed .
14 It was unbelievable that this could happen in the 20th century .
15 While there is no evidence of such practices being widespread in the country , the fact that it could happen in the main prison in the capital of India was a matter of scandal .
16 Since the radical reform could happen in the uncollectivist and weakly welfarist USA as well as in the collectivist and welfarist Italy , the obvious question to ask is why it did n't happen elsewhere in Europe .
17 If we become like , like more part of Europe , if Europe gets more power than er then parliament would have less power well the same thing could happen in the erm central government elections as well could n't it ?
18 An excellent example of this in practice was the East Anglian Rubber Windmill exercise described in Chapter 5 , demonstrating what could happen in the " internal market " if all pursued their private ends regardless of the public consequences .
19 ‘ If only it could happen in the North-East . ’
20 But I I think it would be I do n't think that could happen in the newer kirkyards .
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