Example sentences of "could [adv] come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( b ) Where however the prosecution evidence is such that its strength or weakness depends on the view to be taken of a witness 's reliability , or other matters which are generally speaking within the province of the jury and where on one possible view of the facts there is evidence upon which a jury could properly come to the conclusion that the defendant is guilty , then the judge should allow the matter to be tried by the jury .
2 Questions of construction may be involved on what is said in Parliament and I can not see how if the rule is modified in this way the parties ' legal advisers could properly come to court without having looked to see whether there was anything in the Hansard Report on the Bill which could assist their case .
3 But his tortured mind could only come to the same conclusion .
4 In a cloak and dagger operation , he got in touch and insisted he could only come to her shop when there would be no other customers around .
5 Sadler had articulated the political sentiment in his Manchester inquiry when he remarked on how education was but one aspect of ‘ a many sided problem ’ , and as such it necessitated both the development of individuality and personal conviction and ‘ a sense of national duty and obligation towards the State ’ , which could only come through ‘ better and more systematic training for the duties of citizenship and for home-making and family claims ’ .
6 Certainly he was convinced from the beginning that a solution could only come through Algerian self-determination and the democratically expressed will of the French people .
7 The army insisted that a viable peace agreement could only come with the laying down of LTTE arms .
8 Carol had written it specially for Nicholson ; he could read some of the special nuances that would mean something to him and no one else , nuances that could only come from a friendship and working relationship spanning fifteen years .
9 Such lèse-majesté could only come from a member of the public .
10 The police were empowered to direct and to route processions , but a ban could only come from the Home Secretary .
11 At Ashburnham , Brown created a late eighteenth-century sense of ‘ wilderness ’ that could only come from the utmost ingenuity ; sudden ‘ surprise ’ views of the house replaced the structured avenues and rigid vistas of earlier occupants .
12 There was practically none of the systematic planning and oversight which so characterised Bath and many other spas : that could only come from the implementation of a single plan by a great landowner and architect , and Brighton had a few of these .
13 Chainsaw guitars , bonecrusher drums , some bloke yammering on about serial killers … a sound that could only come from one place .
14 And these infringements , needless to say , could only come from the Vietminh .
15 Such hard evidence could only come from the rocks .
16 It gets its name from the belief that such a flower could only come from the home of a god — Mt Parnassus .
17 So , if we knew that P was the first letter of a word we would know that the second letter could only come from a small group , and that A , E , I , O , and U are the most likely candidates , H and S are less likely but possible , and F and N very unlikely , but not impossible .
18 Whatever the truth , the unwelcome publicity could not come at a worse time for Mercedes — just as it is launching its new top-of-the-range ‘ S ’ model after 12 years of development .
19 And there were those who could not come at all , they lived too far away .
20 Newspaper reports on 12th March that the Bank of Ireland is to shed 600 of its staff over the coming years could not come at a worse time for the economy .
21 But he could not come to terms with the climate .
22 Fenna , by all the ancient laws , could not come to her until she invited him ; but he could , and did , will her to invite him , and the will of dragons is strong .
23 We can find justifying arguments for its ethical contents , even if we could not come to them on our own .
24 We were sad because he could not come to my room and I could not go to his home , where it would have been difficult to explain our relationship .
25 The only regret was that her parents could not come to England for her commissioning , though a report in the Australian War Cry announced that she had come " Dux " of the session and had trained the women cadets for the timbrel play at the commissioning .
26 Or maybe utterly sane , perhaps it was he who could not come to grips with the topsy-turvy world they all now lived in , Edward thought .
27 He added : ‘ I would be very sad if we could not come to an agreement with the tanker owners .
28 Of course , it could not come without national repentance and renewal on a grand scale .
29 The Lords of Trade did not have to take such a close interest in the activities of the chartered companies , but the three large companies trading outside Europe were clearly providing London with trade that could not come in any other way .
30 ‘ I could not come in time ! ’
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