Example sentences of "when [pron] 'd first " in BNC.

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1 She laughed the same way as when I 'd first seen her .
2 well yeah now , but you , you were saying this , we , we had this conversation when I 'd first got here , before any of this started to happen
3 Even Benny had looked green when she 'd first seen it , and Benny had had time to get used to the idea .
4 Very fat , stouter even than when she 'd first arrived , with a great soft moon face and little spectacles which looked lost .
5 Mr Gibbon had been an industrialist whose firm had employed the ad agency which Aunt Ilsa had worked for when she 'd first moved to London .
6 When she 'd first moved in she had n't cared about anything , certainly not her surroundings — they had been the least of her problems — and if the villagers had n't so kindly donated her furnishings she 'd probably still be existing in empty rooms .
7 When she 'd first qualified in forensic medicine he 'd been a young sergeant .
8 There was a good , steady wage , and a proper job was more than she had ever hoped for when she 'd first noticed the advertisement written in felt-tip in the corner of one of the windows .
9 You know when er the fir when we went up to Edith 's , when she 'd first moved in , for
10 She liked Sergei a lot , had fancied him like mad when they 'd first met , at the house of mutual acquaintances in Moscow .
11 We 'd heard the dogs ' barking spreading through the trees when they 'd first been unleashed .
12 There had been a moon when they 'd first arrived , but the clouds had come while they were chopping wood , and the rain while they 'd cooked dinner on the two little primus stoves .
13 Cardiff turned back to Rohmer , and remembered again that feeling he was sure they 'd shared when they 'd first encountered each other .
14 When they 'd first arrived at the Base , she had quite liked the old Administrator , but since Paula 's death he 'd changed .
15 The Doctor had mentioned ionization when they 'd first entered the Operations Room ; ionization caused by electrical activity .
16 When they 'd first re-entered the apartment the place had been crawling with a crowd of men who were mending the air-conditioning , installing a computer and modem to a fresh telephone line , and plugging in the dreaded fax machine .
17 When he 'd first been taken poorly , Baby had been driven in an ambulance from one hospital to another .
18 When he 'd first arrived he had lived in a succession of bedsitting rooms on the west side , for which he had been charged extortionate rents by landlords who he never met ; the third night after coming to The Bar for the first time he had slept with someone who knew of someone who had a spare room at a much more reasonable price , and Boy had moved in .
19 So , when he 'd first laid eyes on Judith — she 'd been sitting behind a desk at his accountant 's offices , her beauty all the more luminous for its drab setting — his first thought was : I want this woman ; his second : she wo n't want me .
20 Preston was astonished at himself for letting it happen , but when he 'd first suggested wearing a condom Emily had said , ‘ You do n't have to , ’ and told him the story about her abortion , and he 'd felt too sorry for her , and too embarrassed , to insist on doing so for health reasons .
21 And what the hell had happened when he 'd first met Rohmer ?
22 He wore an open-neck shirt and trousers that needed pressing , but he 'd apologized for his ‘ unkempt ’ condition when he 'd first greeted them , explaining that he 'd been decorating at home and had pulled on the first things to hand in his haste to get to the waxworks .
23 There had to be some around somewhere , from before he 'd quit smoking when he 'd first started to worry about his health .
24 She 'd sensed something when he 'd first stood in the garden with the children ; she 'd sensed it when she 'd opened the hall door to him .
25 Still staring up at him , she tried to discover if he was making the same connections as herself , but his face gave absolutely nothing away , and yet , when he 'd first opened the door , she 'd thought he 'd looked disappointed .
26 Guy wondered vaguely when he 'd first noticed the wavering movements of the walls .
27 She was remembering his expression the night she 'd blacked out , when he 'd first mentioned his father .
28 Rachel walked behind him , dishevelled , weary and full of resentment that Damian Flint should look as cool and immaculate as he had when he 'd first arrived .
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