Example sentences of "take a taxi to " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Grandison had promised her daughter that they would not inflict themselves on her for a meal — realising that Lady Selvedge might well be something of an infliction — and had assumed that from Victoria they would take a taxi to some Soho restaurant or perhaps Simpsons in the Strand .
2 I shall take a taxi to the aerodrome . ’
3 It was only a short walk to the fringes of town , and there Fen insisted on taking a taxi to the hospital .
4 Later , she went out shopping , taking a taxi to Jardine 's Bazaar down in Causewsay Bay .
5 Marie took a taxi to the station on account of her bags being so heavy .
6 It was after nine o'clock when I reached Valladolid , and I took a taxi to the Hotel Moderno .
7 She took a taxi to the family home in Surry Hills and let herself into the house which was unoccupied .
8 I had been given his address by friends in Britain and now took a taxi to his flat , a couple of miles from the hotel but still in the older part of the city of Buda .
9 Bernard and I took a taxi to a hostel .
10 She later ran out with the baby in a pushchair and took a taxi to the police station where her lover was held .
11 He took a taxi to the Embassy .
12 They took a taxi to his place , and once inside the cab his hand wandered on to her knee .
13 He took a taxi to his village .
14 She booked a seat on it and took a taxi to the terminus .
15 I took a taxi to a hotel , and I wrote the name , ‘ Edward Pinkhammer ’ , in the hotel book .
16 We then went by train into the country , and took a taxi to Dr Roylott 's house .
17 They took a taxi to the flat , which was in a quiet , imposing block overlooking Bedford Square .
18 Remembering that her car was still abandoned at Central Station , she took a taxi to where she had left it , and was relieved to find it still waiting there .
19 Ronni took a taxi to the college where Arnie was doing his summer school — she 'd phoned his flat from the station and been told that was where he 'd be .
20 ‘ I took a taxi to Swift offices .
21 Meanwhile Rachel had taken a taxi to the museum ; she had entered by the back door and exchanged a smile with the doorkeeper .
22 We had taken a taxi to the Sharia el-Azhar from where the buses depart .
23 Linley had left the restaurant at 3 p.m. and taken a taxi to Fleet Street , a journey of no more than ten minutes even on a busy Friday afternoon .
24 One of these missing persons was still lying ( lying still , rather ! ) in the police mortuary in St Aldate 's ; the other person , with Morse 's full permission , had that afternoon departed by train for London , not stopping on this occasion ( as he had claimed to have stopped earlier ) at Didcot Parkway , but travelling straight through — past Reading , Maidenhead , Slough — to Paddington , whence he had taken a taxi to the Tour Company HQ in Belgravia in order to discuss the last wishes and the last rites of his erstwhile legal spouse , Mrs Laura Mary Stratton .
25 ‘ The receptionist at the hotel could have told you that I 'd taken a taxi to Prague railway station , ’ she offered .
26 Both twins and the three men had later taken a taxi to the barn at Uckington , whichg had been rebuilt .
27 I take a taxi to Belcourt , the area where Albert Camus grew up .
28 On my next-to-last day I take a taxi to the Roman ruins at Tipasa , 50 miles along the coast from Algiers .
29 If you were to fly to Athens for the first time and take a taxi to an address in the city , you would be unable to assess whether the route was circuitous , or the baggage charge was normal .
30 She could not tell whether he also meant he would not be at the flat long , only long enough to collect his bag and take a taxi to whichever friend 's spare room he had negotiated to borrow .
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