Example sentences of "take the [adj] view " in BNC.

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1 He takes the understandable view that it is for him to take the first steps in Russia , which he is doing to keep the scientists in Russia .
2 You must have a co-ordinator who liaises between the different people , takes the overall view , is good at detail and is ultimately the person with whom ‘ the buck stops ’ .
3 In the case , however , of a mandatory life sentence for murder ( into which category all the present appeals fall ) the minister of state takes the judicial view into account but does not necessarily adopt it as the tariff .
4 Law as integrity is also a non-skeptical theory of legal rights : it holds that people have as legal rights whatever rights are sponsored by the principles that provide the best justification of legal practice as a whole Pragmatism , on the contrary , denies that people ever have legal rights ; it takes the bracing view that they are never entitled to what would otherwise be worse for the community just because some legislature said so or a long string of judges decided other people were .
5 Lincoln takes the opposite view , Lincoln says here is a crisis the person uniquely placed to deal with major crises in American politics is the president and I , Abe Lincoln , stand forward and I 'm prepared to do almost anything if in my judgment it 's necessary to preserve the nation and the constitution .
6 John Ritblat at British Land takes the same view and backs it with money .
7 We at Halpern and Woolf believe the recession has been with us for some months already ; the C B I takes the same view and they 're pressing for interest rate reductions now to restore business confidence .
8 Policymaking in Europe must take the long-term view .
9 This , I thought , reflected great credit on him , though others might take the contrary view and criticise the fact that he had not first thought to amass a substantial fortune .
10 Historically , over almost any run of three or four years or more , equities have outperformed bonds and , as pension funds are investing for members ' retirements , they can take the long view .
11 Alex Carlile , Liberal Democrat spokesman for Wales said : ‘ I hope the Government will take the same view of damage by flood to Welsh homes that it took to damage to Her Majesty 's home . ’
12 The offspring , however , do n't take the same view .
13 Rather than take the pessimistic view that they will remain at least this high in future , we hope that the ( slightly ) lower figures we have given instead may prove more representative of interest rate levels in the longer run .
14 And , as Mr Chapman thought , Kookai was taking the long-term view .
15 ‘ The company is taking the wider view , being proactive over staff well-being . ’
16 Despite the warnings of Callaghan and Healey , the TUC at its conference in September 1977 voted for a return to ‘ unfettered collective bargaining ’ , with Jones and Scanlon taking the adverse view .
17 Those taking the later view claim : .
18 ‘ If the people in Hong Kong were white , ’ he asked , ‘ would you be taking the same view ? ’
19 Taking the longer view , a healthy forest industry would save the costs of importing timber and provide employment and business opportunities , ’ said CPR Essex spokesman Edward Crowley .
20 Prominent among those taking the pessimistic view , but active in opposing what he sees to be an extremely undesirable trend , is Mike Cooley , for many years a development engineer and active trade unionist within Lucas Aerospace and one of the architects of the Alternative Corporate Plan put forward by the shop stewards ' committee in that company .
21 Teclis took the long view .
22 Instead , the dealers took the short-term view , judged that Clinton 's credibility would suffer , and began selling .
23 The other bearers took the traditional view that the right thing to do was for Yussuf to get rid of her and find another one ; but for reasons known only to himself Yussuf was reluctant to do this .
24 Liberia and Panama took the latter view , and claimed that the election was null and void from the moment Liberia was not elected .
25 All four heads took the unprompted view that there was a desperate need for professional library staff in secondary schools .
26 The School Curriculum took the simplistic view , saying that the values of society should be reflected in the curriculum .
27 Pre-Darwinian comparative anatomists took the former view ; since Darwin , the latter has prevailed .
28 Pierce took the logical view that he did not expect the All Black selectors to be interested in him again .
29 He glanced towards Rain but she took the lofty view that bribing security men was not her concern .
30 Lord Denning in his judgment took the following view :
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