Example sentences of "take [adv prt] the task " in BNC.

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1 The report comes as the Department of Trade and Industry takes on the tasks of the now defunct Department of Energy .
2 Against Moses ' expectations he also takes on the task of feeding his people .
3 A small theatre group takes on the task of mounting a Passion Play in Montreal .
4 Hall is right to say that current Labour and Liberal parties can not take on the task of realignment , but would be equally correct in saying they ca n't be by-passed .
5 Both Canada and Argentina admit that it would only be by default that they would take on the task of staging the tournament .
6 And who would say that enough was enough , and would take on the task of punishing those who transgressed the rules of the game ?
7 Our generation must take on the task of thinking about the future , of assuming towards it the responsibility that we assume towards our children .
8 This will be very unsatisfactory , so is there anyone nearer to Horndean who would consider taking on the task ? ’
9 And with the large capital invetment involved , the customer depends on the fact that any new model must be capable of taking on the task in hand without difficulty — there is no room for mere gimmicks .
10 An outstanding American teacher of music speaks from her own experience of young children ( Upitis 1990 : 2 ) : " We have one strong factor in our favor in taking on the task of helping people become musicians , and that is , in some form all of us are already musicians . "
11 An expert taking on the task of deciding a dispute of this kind would be well advised to establish terms excluding claims .
12 After the death of her mother , one lady took on the task of caring for her bereaved cat .
13 In these circumstances , voluntary WEA members such as Rachael Evans in Bedfordshire and ( successively ) Barbara Brenchley and Margaret Bland in the Fenland took on the task of Federation secretary and , along with other enthusiasts , did their best to fulfil the non-teaching duties of a tutor-organiser .
14 In borrowing from structural linguistics the early structuralists took on the task of analysing signs and systems of signification .
15 In parallel with all of this , Intel developed Maths Co-Processors ( x87 chips ) which took on the task of computing floating point mathematics , and took away some of the load from the main x86 processor .
16 In the end , Naughtie pulled rank , and took on the task himself .
17 They were also helped into their new home by a team of volunteers who took on the task of cleaning the offices which had been empty for some time .
18 So , , he took on the task of er , writing the script off his own bat , he was n't appointed to it , er , but he stuck with that throughout , and erm , he stuck to his objective .
19 Increasingly publicans took over the task of providing facilities for sports which had once been enjoyed on the streets or on common land .
20 He did not see any sign of the runaway animals but later on that night the local policeman called on him and he took over the task of keeping a look out .
21 In other words , the New Critical concept of coherence took over the task of unifying meaning which could no longer be attributed to the author .
22 The RIBA/ARCUK Joint Visiting Panel took over the task of visiting UK schools of architecture in October at the beginning of the 1992–3 academic session and made its first visit to the University of East London .
23 Vuk himself took up the task , and his first effort appeared in October 1814 .
24 More probably he had not yet composed much beyond the opening of the movement ; accordingly , after writing in these first few bars , he left space for the remainder of the movement to be inserted once it was finished , and another copyist took up the task of fair-copying subsequent movements which Purcell had already drafted .
25 The multitude of Madonnas for Italian worship in the Renaissance made this a fruitful theme for connoisseurship which has taken on the task of distinguishing authentic works from those by followers or copyists .
26 If some kind person could send us a copy I have some very keen would-be knitters who would be extremely grateful , not least myself who has taken on the task of teaching them .
27 The organization of women in the controlled zones varies considerably depending on the region : either one of the women 's organizations has taken on the task or there may be a women 's committee of the Popular Power Council .
28 Er much to everybody 's fear , really , because we , we , we were stepping into a new area , you can imagine from , from wires to something with no wires , and the risk of that failing , but , but it worked and er from thereon , of course most Fire Brigades have taken on the task and , and er are now on radio contact of this kind .
29 One classic er case that only occurred a few years ago and it was way before bonfire night , but erm , people working from home to try and make a little bit of pin money , a young lady had taken on the task of putting sparklers into five into a little bag for a particular manufacturer .
30 Since the Criminal Law Revision Committee produced its Working Paper , the Crown Prosecution Service has taken over the task of prosecuting from the police .
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