Example sentences of "time since the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 An English radical commented in 1887 that ‘ the present position of the European world is one in which sheer force holds a larger place than it has held in modern times since the fall of Napoleon ’ .
2 The number of cases of thyroid cancer among children in Belarus ( Belorussia ) has risen 100 times since the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 , with the highest levels in the areas where radioactive fallout was greatest .
3 In Exeter the wool staplers moved quickly in 1787 to imprison some striking wool sorters who were seeking to advance their wages , but at several other times since the statute they employed had been enacted in 1726 , they had conceded advances sought by their journeymen .
4 Tom Longland was relieved of his duties as commander of 3 Brigade of the Parachute Regiment , — the first time since the deployment of troops in Northern Ireland in 1969 that such action had been taken .
5 The " congress " of the combined French National Assembly and Senate ( lower and upper houses of parliament ) , holding a vote on June 23 for only the fourth time since the foundation of the Fifth Republic in 1958 ( earlier occasions being in 1963 , 1974 and 1976 ) , approved by 592 to 73 the constitutional amendments necessary before submitting the Treaty for ratification by referendum [ see also pp. 38882-83 ] .
6 Iraqi authorities lifted the night-time curfew on Nov. 23 for the first time since the Aug. 2 invasion [ see pp. 37632-35 ] .
7 He looked at her for the first time since the beginning ; her head was still turned away , her hands over her face ; she had shown no further response to anything he had done .
8 For the first time since the beginning of the Vietnam War , Congress had acted decisively to limit the powers of the President in foreign policy .
9 She laughed at herself , and at the extravagance of these thoughts , but she felt them nonetheless , and was , for the first time since the beginning of it all , truly lighthearted .
10 According to Israel Radio , this was " the first time since the beginning of the intifada that terrorists have managed to plant bombs in a Jewish place , wounding civilians and soldiers " .
11 It was Forest 's fifth win in seven league games and lifted them above Middlesbrough and out of the relegation zone for the first time since the beginning of September .
12 All this , supported by literary evidence , suggests deterioration : bleaker diets ( but with the poor still demanding wheat ) , a decline in non-food purchasing , with standards probably lower than at any other time since the wars at the beginning of the eighteenth century .
13 In mid-November a United States congressional delegation visited China for the first time since the massacre .
14 In his spare time since the election , Dr Kumar has plunged into books in a bid to re-activate his mind .
15 The geographer L. Dudley Stamp fashioned his land use survey in this context to capture for the first time since the Domesday Book an impression of how the land of Britain was used ( or misused ) .
16 What with Mrs Clements and the girls also gone for the week , I suppose I was very conscious of the fact that once I departed , Darlington Hall would stand empty for probably the first time this century — perhaps for the first time since the day it was built .
17 It is not easy to judge from the vantage-point of the late twentieth century , for in the second half of this century rural life has been more profoundly transformed than at any time since the invention of agriculture .
18 Demonstrations resumed in University Square on the evening of Aug. 22 when protesters staged a six-hour occupation , chanting anti-government slogans and complaints about food shortages ( especially the reintroduction earlier that day of sugar rationing for the first time since the December 1989 revolution ) .
19 Kohl , in eastern Germany for the first time since the December 1990 general election , was jeered and pelted with eggs by several hundred protesters on April 7 in Erfurt ( where enthusiastic crowds of over 100,000 had greeted him on his last visit in February 1990 — see p. 37260 ) .
20 Last night you made me feel more alive than at any time since the crash .
21 At the funeral Judith comes to terms with grief for the first time since the birth .
22 Sean Dodds , for Kelly , said he was out with his girlfriend for the first time since the birth of their baby .
23 The belief in relationships which outlast our present existence might explain why he 's been more complacent than Bricusse about his time since the split .
24 In the meantime diplomatic representatives from a number of countries returned to Cambodia for the first time since the mid-1970s .
25 For the first time since the mid-1960s , Bonn faced a trade deficit .
26 On Oct. 13 the National Bank of Ethiopia — the central bank — raised interest rates ; the government at the same time raised government workers ' wages , for the first time since the overthrow of Emperor Haile Selassie in 1974 , by up to 110 per cent .
27 Since the 1949 service , when Latin was heard in the Church for probably the first time since the Reformation , the Founder 's Psalm ( no. 130 ) has been chanted :
28 Earlier , there had been fighting at Mannar on Aug. 1 as the LTTE attacked an advancing troop convoy ; naval artillery was used against rebel positions on Aug. 3 for the first time since the resumption of large-scale fighting on June 11 ; and a major clash took place on Aug. 4-5 , involving the repulsing of an unsuccessful rebel attack against the Jaffna fort .
29 As she headed for the stairs her mind was already trying to calculate the time since the call .
30 The House of Commons met on a Saturday for the first time since the war .
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