Example sentences of "see [prep] [art] attempt " in BNC.

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1 Anthropological analysis need not be seen as the attempt to discover the truth about primitive societies , but instead as the attempt to ‘ translate ’ ( or transform ) the utterances from one discursive context to another .
2 The killings are seen as an attempt by Sikh extremists to provoke Hindu-Sikh riots which could disrupt parliamentary polls in the state scheduled within a fortnight .
3 The orthodox gave the latter term a pejorative sense ; the apocryphal texts were correctly seen as an attempt to replace the books accepted by the mainstream communities and included in their church lectionary as authentic representatives of the apostolic tradition of faith .
4 Her intervention — after dismissing reports at the weekend that she would be standing for the deputy leadership — will be seen as an attempt to block Mr Gould 's bid for the post .
5 In a new collection of his photographs — My Lithuania — from publishers Thames and Hudson ( £24.00 ) , he certainly admits to literary pretensions as a young man and his photographs can be seen as an attempt to capture the lives of fellow Lithuanians in the detail which only words can usually portray .
6 The judges ' decision can therefore be seen as an attempt by enlightened amateurs to retain their position as arbiters of taste in the face of these threats , by sponsoring a style of architecture which they felt would be an appropriate form of building in Victorian England .
7 The book can be seen as an attempt by Scott to assert himself as leading expert on Gothic Revival secular buildings , perhaps having felt that during the great church-building period of the 1840s and 1850s his work was overshadowed by that of other architects , particularly Pugin and Street .
8 It could be seen as an attempt by the government to try to retain urban seats or , perhaps more accurately , as the reflection of a personal commitment towards the inner cities on the part of Peter Shore , Secretary of State for the Environment ( MacKay and Cox , 1979 ) .
9 In the British context of the 1980s the political project that has come to be identified as ‘ Thatcherism ’ has commonly been seen as an attempt to legitimate both the reintegration of a restructured British economy into the global economy and the revision of the relationship between the state and civil society that the preferred version of restructuring required .
10 Later on we shall be suggesting that some CONFLICTS in marriage can be seen as an attempt to put right experiences which have gone wrong in the past .
11 The search for love and the in-love state can be seen as an attempt to recreate the harmonious whole .
12 Both these stories were widely seen as an attempt to ‘ shoe-in ’ Gordon Brown rather than Smith in the event of a leadership vacancy , although Brown , it must be said , had no part in them .
13 The history of company legislation over the past century can only be understood if it is seen as an attempt to rectify the imbalance and injustice resulting from the creation of limited liability in the mid-nineteenth century .
14 Thus the decision not to appoint Risk could be seen as an attempt by the Board to carry out its fiduciary duty to the shareholders ( ie to act in their best interests ) .
15 The Ford bid can , therefore , be seen as an attempt to establish Alfa in relation to Ford in the same way as the Audi cars complement the Volkswagen range .
16 It could equally well be seen as an attempt to draw attention to problems in the world that her audience might not be aware of .
17 I Nevertheless , although shedding much of the metaphysical or religious foundations of traditional conservative thought , Oakeshott 's work can be seen as an attempt to portray a systematic and authentic account of conservative political thought in the contemporary world .
18 This paper may be seen as an attempt to achieve the seemingly impossible in posing the question of why the Romano-Britons purchased vessels of local manufacture decorated with religious and other images in the third century .
19 The Model School is seen as an attempt to implement the successful education programme that the Open School operates , into a full-time , fully fledged inner city school .
20 As part of their attempt to cure themselves they developed their own delusionary worlds , which were in turn often treated by non-analysts as a symptom of a disease instead of being seen as an attempt at self-cure .
21 In fact , the action was widely seen as an attempt by George Bush 's close pal , President Turgut Ozal , to prove himself more militantly anti-Kurd than his chief rival , Suleyman Demirel , in the run-up to the October 20th general election .
22 In this way of thinking war was seen as an attempt to pursue a ‘ reasonable ’ claim which was being forcibly threatened or attacked , which implied not merely the use of force but the means of persuasion ( propaganda ) and discussion ( negotiation ) as well .
23 From the point of view of standardization theory , this backward projection of Wyld 's ‘ Received Standard ’ on to earlier states can be seen as an attempt to historicize the standard ( literary ) language — to create a past for it and determine a canon , in which canonical ( 'genuine' ) forms are established and from which unorthodox ( 'non-genuine' or ‘ corrupt ’ ) forms are rejected .
24 This unidimensionality is imposed on history by a backward projection of present-day standard phonology on to the past , and according to the theory of language standardization that we have tentatively advanced elsewhere ( J. Milroy and L. Milroy , 1985a ) , it can be seen as an attempt to historicize the standard language — to create a past for it and determine a canon , in which canonical forms are argued for and unorthodox forms rejected .
25 Miltiades ' last operation ( in 489 ) against the island of Paros , in the Cyclades , can be seen as an attempt to move on to the offensive against Persia after the defensive stand at Marathon .
26 In other words , his argument might be seen as an attempt to confront the common sense with the disconcerting fact that references to what are assumed to be numerically identical spatio-temporal particulars inhabiting an objective world " out there " can not be given a satisfactory justification , and consequently that one can not claim with certainty that such particulars represent the basic material of which the world is made up .
27 As such , care programming can be seen as an attempt to standardize mental health service delivery and to set norms for the administration of care for people with a certain level of dependency .
28 In what was seen as an attempt to reduce public hostility to the environmental impact of regular NATO military exercises , NATO headquarters on Aug. 11 , 1989 , announced that there would be a reduction in the number of troops taking part in the " Autumn Forge 89 " series of exercises .
29 The killings were seen as an attempt by Sikh extremists to disrupt the ongoing general election campaign .
30 A further reshuffle followed on March 15 , 1990 , in what was seen as an attempt by Mwinyi to secure support in the Cabinet for a new investment code [ see below ] , which had reportedly provoked dissent among some socialist ministers .
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