Example sentences of "see [prep] a distance " in BNC.

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1 When the campanile is seen from a distance , it seems to belong to some strange Expressionist church one has not noticed before .
2 In fact , if the aposematic prey is rare , it is more heavily predated , and the proportion falls : if the aposematic prey is relatively frequent to begin with , it is favoured , and becomes more common The black and yellow caterpillars of the cinnabar moth are camouflaged when seen from a distance as they feed on their favoured ragwort .
3 Then visualize a mound , circular earthwork , or clump of trees , planted on these high points , and in low points in the valley other mounds ringed round with water to be seen from a distance .
4 Markstones buried in a hedge bottom or by the side of the road , tree clumps on prominent sites that can be seen from a distance , earthworks that might be indicative of an old sunken way , or indeed anything unusual on the line .
5 Stac Polly is an extraordinary mountain when seen from a distance and doubly so when one is engaged on the traverse of its narrow ridge .
6 Liathach , like its neighbour , is best seen from a distance , a popular viewpoint being the private road to Coulin Lodge , where it towers as a great wedge across the waters of Loch Clair , after a short stroll from the pass road .
7 These mountains are attractive when seen from a distance , their summits neatly carved and the connecting ridges gracefully curved , but they lose their allure on close acquaintance .
8 On some a small figure , seen from a distance , almost dancing across the platform at the back of the bucking hoverspeeder , spraying arcs of laser light that burst into explosions along the top of the perimeter wall , pausing only to hurl grenades that widened the hot smoking breach in the stonework .
9 Then the excitement of the New York skyline seen from a distance , its jutting towers like a giant 's cardboard cut-outs poking into a blue sky .
10 He was a tall stout man with a florid complexion , who looked well in vestments seen from a distance .
11 Seen from a distance at night , the dimly lit vehicles resembled ‘ the folds of some gigantic and luminous serpent which never stopped and never ended ’ On either side of the road their headlamps lit up the bowed backs of the endless columns of marching men .
12 The Sussex coast was best seen at a distance , though , for proximity to the sea causes human beings to create great ugliness .
13 The road tops a hill and commences a long descent to a built-up area that , even when seen at a distance , is obviously a place of greater importance than any yet seen on the journey .
14 Drake very distinctive , being the only waterfowl to appear white in front and black behind when seen at a distance .
15 The man was in the act of turning a page , and , in so doing , he momentarily exposed its front cover , which Harry had , till now , only seen at a distance .
16 For Merrill the marriage service was a kaleidoscope of images seen at a distance because of her acute consciousness of Luke 's presence .
17 Realistic the cutout seen at a distance
18 By the time that you have battled against the wind to get there , you may find that it has some hazard that you could not see from a distance , and then there may be no other good field within reach .
19 This object may be something which he sees from a distance and so gives the rider due warning that he will probably shy .
20 Up to the age of 40 to 50 , most of us can see at a distance and read close to without any difficulty .
21 You may also find it useful to know a binocular 's field of view — usually expressed as the width of the area you can see at a distance of 1000m or 3,280ft .
22 In New Hope Copse she saw at a distance a man holding the hand of a small child , inclining to her the way adults do when walking with little ones , while his free arm swept the air to possess the oaks , the beeches , the ash .
23 I 'm sure you have men you think of in that way too , people you see from a distance and you think they are angels , or at least heroes .
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