Example sentences of "see himself [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After all , he had been working on the theory for twenty years , and did not want to see himself scooped by an outsider .
2 The legionnaire sees himself caught in a never-ending cycle of darkness and despair , until the day when he will be liberated through atonement of his past crimes .
3 In this vision — a kind of ‘ flash-forward ’ in fantasy — Jesus sees himself married to the Magdalene ( for whom he has lusted all through the book ) and fathering a family upon her .
4 He could not see himself chained to these realities for the next 40 or 50 years .
5 There was no objective standard for him to measure himself by — there never is in this kind of case , either you have the confidence in yourself , or you don't-all he could do was see himself reflected in her eyes , and it was not a pleasing portrait .
6 The Shah saw himself surrounded by enemies .
7 And he saw himself left with a ridiculous , dead feeling , and — a half-drugged , frightened , tearful , disgusted young girl .
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