Example sentences of "see myself [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have always seen myself as a younger version of Joan Collins . ’
2 ‘ I suppose I have always seen myself as a younger version of Joan Collins , ’ she confided .
3 After all , I 've seen myself in the mirror .
4 I do n't see myself as a pop artist .
5 Since nuclear power stations are no longer the easiest route to nuclear weapons , I do n't see myself as a double-headed monster .
6 But the point is that I do n't see myself as a playwright in the same way I would see myself as a prose writer .
7 But the point is that I do n't see myself as a playwright in the same way I would see myself as a prose writer .
8 However , I do n't see myself as a jack of all trades ; instead I believe that I am broadening my range of expertise while remaining a commercial lawyer . ’
9 I can only see myself as a conversation piece , worth more as gossip than a fuck .
10 ‘ Besides , I do n't really see myself as a vigneronne . ’
11 I would see myself as a feminist and a socialist and I think socialism is the only form of just government a just way of running any sort of society , that can give people any sort of dignity .
12 I could see myself on the roof of our house , as , for the last time , I spread the couscous out to dry on a sheet in the sun before my journey to London : I could see the village below me : the tops of the trees , the minaret , the ancient wall which ran round my village .
13 ‘ It 's full speed ahead for the seasons , and , if I can , I work 12 or 14 hours a day then , because otherwise I ca n't see myself through the quiet times .
14 " Now let me see myself in a glass , " Sara said eventually , and when one was brought gave a gasp of surprise , because she had not worn the high collar before or had her hair braided , and although these strange garments were a little uncomfortable and restricting she could n't help admiring the slashed sleeves , the low , square neck and the wonderful wide skirt that swept the stone floor .
15 I 'd closed my eyes while she was cutting so I could n't see myself in the mirror .
16 I saw myself as a write-off as far as boyfriends were concerned .
17 I saw myself as a sort of martus among miracle-workers , a surf-chanting troubadour .
18 I always saw myself as a creator of space for particular needs , and I found the best ideas which fitted in with that need and that slot and I then encouraged and challenged and stimulated and created the space for that production team to make that programme in the best possible way .
19 Whilst I saw myself as the hero 's faithful sidekick got up as I was in cowboy gloves with real leather fringes , two guns in holsters buckled on and tied around the leg for fast draws , ten gallon hat and waistcoat , Skippy insisted that I be the daughter of the murdered rancher whose cattle were being rustled .
20 Sitting there in the London bound train ( I had thought it would never come into the station , that the whistle would never blow ) , I saw myself in a play , a melodrama perhaps — I felt I had Runaway Daughter written all over me …
21 The two customers thought this hilarious ; as I turned to leave , and saw myself in the mirror , I joined in the laughter .
22 As I undressed , I saw myself in the mirror .
23 Seeing myself as a lifelong progressive , I was mortified .
24 ‘ I went through a period of seeing myself dead , seeing myself in a coffin and the people at my funeral .
25 It 's like seeing myself in the shadows there , all choked up .
26 I will grow old gracefully , as we are advised ; and as I made ready for the night I tried to see myself as the little girls must have seen me .
27 Leaning in over the sleeping child I must have wanted to see myself as the angel , hovering in protection of an infant who was so obviously in peril .
28 To achieve the latter I have to see myself as an object , to know how my regretting might appear .
29 Suppose that I have a sudden impulse to settle when I retire in the village where I was born ; but reality breaks in , I recognize that I had better remember it not as a nostalgic vision but as I indeed saw it before experiencing the city , admit to myself that it will have changed beyond recognition , try to anticipate living in it not as I am now but as an old man who no longer easily makes new friends , try to see myself through the villagers ' eyes as already a stranger who may no longer deserve a welcome .
30 It would have been a foolish , bull-necked man who would have looked a gift horse in the mouth … so I like to see myself in a small way as following in his footsteps . ’
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