Example sentences of "see a increase [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Andrew Hugh Smith , ISE chairman , said : ‘ Turnover in UK equities has seen an increase of almost 50 per cent over the past year , alleviating some of the problems caused by the very low volumes after the market crash .
2 The Home Office has reportedly seen an increase of more than 40 per cent in the number of young people sentenced to young offender institutions .
3 Studies of rape in England and Wales suggest that two-thirds of rapes take place in the home of the victim or the offender , and that only one-third involve strangers ; that two-fifths of victims suffer physical violence as well as rape , and one-sixth suffer additional sexual indignities ; that recent years have seen an increase in the reporting of rapes between acquaintances , and that rapes are increasing a little in their intrinsic seriousness ( i.e. in terms of the violence used , other sexual acts , etc ) , but that the most significant rise has been in the average length of sentences imposed on rapists by the courts .
4 The first half of the eighteenth century had seen an increase in trade , which was paralleled by an increase in the population .
5 NORTH ‘ We 've seen an increase in activity but people are reluctant to commit themselves , ’ says Newcastle-based Peter Miller , Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors ' housing spokesman .
6 The post-war period has seen an increase in labour force participation ( see Figure 2.13 ) .
7 We 've seen an increase in orders from business units around the world and also in information supplied and requests for inclusion . ’
8 The Government have seen an increase in prosperity throughout the United Kingdom and a sharing of both good times and bad .
9 Against the background of growing concern about migration pressures worldwide , recent years have seen an increase in cases where migrant , expatriate or alien communities have been obliged to leave en masse the countries in which they work or have settled .
10 THE Northern Ireland scene has seen an increase in the number of men wanting to make it into modelling .
11 Despite current low interest rates — which mean a low return on savings — the society has seen an increase in deposits , mirroring the trend reported in the BSA review .
12 That includes France which has seen an increase in footage of a thirty thousand square feet and we 've also got a number of sub-lets we 've indicated that erm sub-lets should pay reduces it
13 From what I have gathered from talking to other business people they have also seen an increase in business .
14 Workers earning £115 a week or more will receive just over £3 extra in their weekly pay packets , while salaried staff will see an increase of more than £13 a month .
15 Ms Krutick predicted that as the single European market drew closer the travel industry would see an increase in business .
16 ‘ Thirdly , I believe that by the end of tonight you will see an increase in the number of Liberal Democrat Members of Parliament and I give this undertaking to each of them .
17 Let us hope that this year we shall see an increase in the butterfly population , notably that rare member of the family Lyaenidae , known as the Foinland Blue . "
18 Since the , that methodology tells us that although employment has been cut erm in the first quarter of this year on our calcul er calculations in many regions of the economy with the south east particularly hard hit well in one region , the West Midlands , for the first time we 're seeing an increase in employment .
19 The island is beginning to see an increase in foreign visitors , but as yet very little development has taken place .
20 ‘ We 're going to see an increase in bullying , exclusions and truancy unless we start tackling the problems at their root .
21 With the advent of videodisc we can expect to see an increase in video training materials and information databases of various kinds .
22 September 1991 saw an increase of 18% in undergraduate entry into Semester 1 course and a corresponding increase into Semester 1–4 courses of 12% , compared to a year earlier .
23 The year saw an increase of 15 per cent in such applications , while the fund rose by only 4 per cent .
24 1990 saw an increase in the number of Tribunal hearings when the Central and Area Headquarters ' representatives attended 127 Entitlement and 86 Assessment Appeals .
25 Friday evening back at Preston Barracks saw an increase in activity .
26 Many of the farmers visited admitted that they were only standing still as far as capital improvement was concerned and every year saw an increase in the list of capital work to be done .
27 An improved economic climate during the reign of Elizabeth I saw an increase in those able to afford their own coffin , and no longer was this presumed luxury limited to the middle and upper classes .
28 The months of July and August saw an increase in activity on the new routes front .
29 Throughout last year the salerooms saw an increase in educated private buyers checking on condition and provenance , and shunning paintings consigned by the trade .
30 Butterfield saw an increase in sales of 12% last year , making it the largest American auction house .
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