Example sentences of "up to the present " in BNC.

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1 Theatres were closed during the Cromwellian period , but with the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 came Court comedy and the beginning of the ‘ comedy of manners ’ which has , in one way or another , been popular right up to the present day .
2 Similar settlement histories have occurred in the Gangetic plain and Doabs of northern India ( Schlich 1889 : 187–238 ) and Brazil up to the present day .
3 It is his type that has been projected as a desirable up to the present time , although I feel that recently , Rottweilers in Germany have become slightly lighter in build and longer in the loin , a very workmanlike animal , designed for Schutzhund work .
4 The Swedish influence has continued up to the present day , where the Faunus Kennel has a great influence on the breeding stock in Norway .
5 From this turning-point , enclosure and drainage were to shape both lives and landscape in the English countryside , right up to the present day .
6 The authors observe that up to the present time most obsolescence studies have been characterized by a superficial approach to what is a highly complex situation of interlocking factors .
7 The National Maritime Museum at Greenwich presents a survey of maritime history from the Tudor period up to the present day .
8 Despite the ill-judged backing of Parliament in the civil war , the family flourished and up to the present century remained prominent in Cornish — and national — affairs .
9 Honour and Arms by J.F. Huxford ( London 1984 ) is a quite sumptuous book covering augmentations from early , legendary , varieties up to the present century .
10 The columns ( and there may be twenty or more ) represent chronological periods — pre-historic , pre- and post-Conquest , and up to the present day — and the numerous rows represent identified fields of study .
11 Indeed there seems to have been little diminution in this publishing bonanza up to the present time .
12 Fred Archer , Jem Mason , Steve Donoghue , Gordon Richards , John Francome and Lester Piggott up to the present day .
13 Today synthetic diamonds are commercially available in a range of sizes up to the present maximum , the de Beers ‘ Synthetic Rotary Dresser ’ stones , which have a weight of 2 milligram , ( equivalent to a cubic diamond of 0.8 mm edge ) .
14 In posing the idea of such an ‘ iron law ’ Bukharin unwittingly predicted the actual course of events in the Soviet Union that has persisted up to the present time , that is , the continual shortfall of consumer goods production as compared to the growing population and the growth in monetary incomes .
15 What emerges from an examination of the FFYP is that it set a pattern for the Soviet economy that persists up to the present day .
16 The Museum of Leathercraft in Bridge Street houses a nationally important collection of leathergoods dating from Egyptian times up to the present day .
17 Here you will meet favourite characters from stage and screen , also learn about the activities and suppression of piracy right up to the present day .
18 From the primitive algae of the Archaeozoic era , which ultimately would continue as mosses and fungi right up to the present day , there was a branching off of the lycopodiates , early ferns , cycladals and filicales .
19 Paul Levy 's new television series and book looks at the culinary ghosts of Christmas past and brings them up to the present day
20 Illert , through his research , is now in a position to rigorously describe the shapes of past , present and future shell forms , and as sea shells are amongst the best preserved of all fossils , we have a progression throughout the entire fossil record from the Pre-Cambrian era right up to the present day .
21 Father Giles reflected on the Beatitudes — their original meaning and the meaning that has developed in the course of time , up to the present day .
22 ‘ Every bullet has his billet ’ is a distinctively modern saying , first recorded in that form in 1765 , and in use up to the present day to indicate that sometimes no precautions work ; yet saying the proverb , and believing it , probably never stopped anyone taking cover .
23 I would no longer take sides with any party … which is my position up to the present day ’ .
24 The project , which is to create an unprecedented space for the products of Scottish artists up to the present day , needs all the friends it can get , as it has still to be sold to government and any private benefactors .
25 It includes for the first time in one volume additional indexes for porcelain painters , enamellers and silhouettists , incorporating the work of artists up to the present day .
26 ( It is also remarkable how commonly ideas similar to his have kept re-surfacing up to the present day , often without any apparent awareness on the part of their authors that Schleiermacher had already developed them , or that the subsequent movement of theology was to expose serious inadequacies in them . )
27 Anthropologists have continued to employ participant observation as their major method of data collection up to the present day but , from about the 1930s onwards , sociology and anthropology grew further and further apart .
28 A number of sub-committees were set up to put into effect the directions of the Poor Law Commissioner and at a meeting on 23rd September l835 , it was found administratively convenient to group the parishes into Northern and Southern districts , an arrangement which has persisted in the health service in Bedfordshire in various forms for the same reason up to the present day .
29 With additional purchases the museum will be one of the most important for concrete art in Germany , showing works by Marcello Morandini , Leon Polks Smith , Josef Albers , Verena Loewensberg , and Peter Vogels bringing the story of concrete art up to the present day .
30 From the Golden Age of the Renaissance , through the days of the Grand Tour and right up to the present day , Italy has been the Golden Land .
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