Example sentences of "out [art] detail [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Dawn was dishing out the details with the beer . ’
2 On another low table by the wall there was an inexpensive stereo unit and some uneven stacks of records ; he could n't make out the details on the posters on the wall above the unit , but they might have been Escher prints .
3 Now the whole family was here , he must broach the scheme and work out the details of at least one refuge .
4 Joshua fills out the details of the orders , but in doing so clearly reads God 's mind , for he comes in for no heavenly rebuke .
5 Highlander provided an educational forum where those who were interested in pursuing the idea of a ‘ participatory research ’ project on land ownership could swap experiences and ideas and together hammer out the details of what was known , what was wanted and how to collect the facts .
6 Whether a single lift costing little more than half the balance lift is advisable or not can only be determined on working out the details of the site where it is required to be constructed and the conditions under which it would have to be worked .
7 ‘ So we are trying to fill out the details of his early life .
8 She sets out the details of how she feels the patient should be handled , so that the carers and everyone else involved will all help him to move in the same way .
9 I 'd like to spell out the details of Dr Carrington 's case for you .
10 The TPLF admit that they started a revolution without carefully working out the details of what they hoped to achieve and establish .
11 In the meantime , Pennethorne had been working out the details of his proposals for the Foreign Office .
12 Instructions to invigilators setting out the details of the procedures to be followed in the conduct of examinations shall be approved by or on behalf of the Senate .
13 We are now trying to find out the details of this negative feedback system .
14 During 1936 , he and colleagues worked out the details of how to make the reaction occur consistently , without decomposition , and explored the commercial possibilities for the new material .
15 Roman Rosdolsky , in his work The Making of Marx 's ‘ Capital' , picked up and elaborated Sweezy 's critical remarks , spelling out the details of Bukharin 's supposed error , to wit :
16 How he worked out the details of this path emerged in his debate with the opposition , particularly Preobrazhensky , in the mid-1920s .
17 They have a resemblance to the image of Jesus on the cross , and skilful painting brings out the details of this ‘ sculpture ’ .
19 The ITA was simultaneously having to work out the details of its own role ; formulate rules that met the legislation 's requirements for quality , balance and so on , some of which — about imported American programmes , say — would affect the companies ' finances ; and ensure both that there was proper competition for the franchises , yet that the operation did not collapse through mismanagement or financial miscalculation .
20 Systemstar already has a full-time employee from Raima working in the UK , but has not yet worked out the details of its joint venture : a separate Systemstar operation could well continue to handle the distributor 's other product lines , which include a competitive product , the KnowledgeMan extended network database from Micro Data Base Systems Inc of Lafayette , Indiana .
21 In a progress report on Sun 's year-old Open Graphics Initiative , Doug Schiff , international director for the programme , said all of Adobe 's products would be available for Sun Sparcsystems by the autumn , but that the two companies were still working out the details of providing PostScript as a ‘ foundation library ’ for developers on Sparc kit .
22 Mark out the details of the angled surfaces with a knife and gauge , taking great care .
23 Even so eccentric a character as D. V. Karakozov , who attempted to assassinate Alexander II in 1866 , had gained direct experience while serving as an assistant to one of the peace arbiters appointed to work out the details of the Emancipation settlement .
24 There were certain ancillary provisions attached to the order , including the requirement that the appellants swear an affidavit setting out the details of all their assets .
25 She poured out the details of her fantasy .
26 The White Paper sets out the details of the formula ( DSS , 1990a ; see also Millar and Whiteford , 1991 for further details and a comparison with the recently introduced Australian scheme ) .
27 But while I am looking at it my eyes constantly wander from one flower to the next , pausing at some , ignoring others , picking out the details of their shapes and colours .
28 It was growing dark and she had to squint to make out the details of the room .
29 He just said he 'd met his solicitor friend who reckoned he could find out the details of the will .
30 A great deal of work now needs to be done to work out the details of the new arrangements .
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