Example sentences of "who have kept their " in BNC.

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1 Ageing , she argues , is hardest for women like herself , who have kept their figure and a youthful appearance but have lost sexual attractiveness .
2 Next year he will begin to bring it ‘ up to date ’ and emphasise that honours should not be automatically awarded to people who have kept their noses clean in certain jobs , but that they must be earned .
3 As the student or the new teacher scans the staffroom , he or she will find some of the more senior teachers who have kept their sparkle , who have a developing educational philosophy of their own , and who enjoy educational debate .
4 For most students , the decision to follow an arts path or a sciences path is made at the age of 16 , when choosing A levels ; for some students , it is made earlier , at 14 , or , for a very few students , those who have kept their options open , later , after A level .
5 Now supposing , lady , supposing , I say , that there are traders who have kept their contacts across the water .
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