Example sentences of "who have lost their " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's very important that human contact is continued with gorillas who have lost their parents .
2 The most common calls are from people who have lost their pets .
3 At the moment publishers fear not so much the literary efforts of retiring politicians but those of MPs who have lost their seats .
4 ‘ You are like the wild cat , you are not in it , ’ meaning that present-day-wild cats have become so inter-bred with domestic cats , they are no longer pure : like Scots who have lost their native tongue .
5 After nights of fox predation on my small flock of sheep , I wonder if the anti-hunt protesters would like to hear the cries of my bereft ewes who have lost their lambs ?
6 Those who have lost their teeth and wear dentures should still visit their dentist every six months .
7 We have thousands of people in Britain who have lost their jobs and homes and there is n't even a war raging here .
8 Some friends who have lost their virginity did so because they did n't know what was going on .
9 Thousands more Britons will now be forced to join the 35,000 who have lost their homes since the election and the 58,000 who have lost their jobs .
10 Thousands more Britons will now be forced to join the 35,000 who have lost their homes since the election and the 58,000 who have lost their jobs .
11 Leeds , who have lost their two opening championship games , are already without second rower Gary Mercer and Iro 's former Wigan team-mate Andy Gregory .
12 With the possible exception of only two — Tanko , who causes the thunder and lightning , and a group of beings known collectively as keoi ( or nlab ) , beings who are transformed humans but who have lost their humanness completely — none of them is portrayed as evil , malicious , or in any way seeking to harm humans .
13 Sometimes they are joined by Elves who have lost their homes and families to the Dark Elves and now lust for vengeance with the cold fury that only Elves can feel .
14 have a hearing audience , yes that are older , but the deaf audience which is very young , but other audiences and people who have lost their sight
15 As a result they may become demoralized since , as Young states , ‘ Men who have lost their self-respect are liable to lose their inner vitality ’ .
16 and for all those who have lost their livelihood and security …
17 A Service of Remembrance is to be held in Aberdeen for all those who have lost their lives while working offshore in the North Sea .
18 The attack on the trade union movement check-off our , our existence the existence of the trade union movement is under attack union membership and others the shipyard workers at Swan Hunter the thousands of local authority workers who have lost their jobs those are the issues in which our parliamentary party should be addressing now on behalf of our people !
19 The hon. Gentleman , however , continues to deny the existence of that recession , which makes a mockery of those who have lost their jobs as a result of it .
20 Of those people who have lost their jobs , more than 250,000 are this year in well worth while and excellent training schemes .
21 Will the Chancellor of the Duchy reconsider his decision and pay a visit to the north-west , especially so that he can meet the 800 people a week who have lost their job since this time last year as a result of the Government 's policies ?
22 I wonder what the thousands of people who have lost their jobs , homes , businesses or all three thought when they read that .
23 Most at risk are recently sheared ewes who have lost their heavy woollen coats and have no defence against the bitter cold .
24 I have n't heard the names yet , of the people who have lost their lives but I 'd be I would be certain that I would know some of them personally .
25 In my practice , as a general practitioner , I am aware of several diabetics who have lost their jobs and their confidence in attending public events , such that they become socially isolated .
26 FIREFIGHTERS who have lost their jobs as a result of Castlereagh Fire Station closing will receive a form of redundancy pay , thanks to east Belfast MP Peter Robinson .
27 ‘ But the pain and fear on the faces of people who have lost their homes and their loved ones is absolutely haunting . ’
28 She feels people in Scotland who have lost their jobs are not so eager to find work because wages are low , whereas in the States people are prepared to do two or three part-time jobs to support themselves .
29 ‘ If we do give up , Donald and all the other boys who have lost their lives there will have died for nothing . ’
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