Example sentences of "who turned out to " in BNC.

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1 The RUC sergeant went forward and arrested the man , who turned out to be the bank security guard who was rather the worse for drink , and had forgotten to lock the door !
2 Jack and the vet ( who turned out to be an Irishman too ) drinking whiskey which they thought was brandy because I 'd put it into a brandy bottle …
3 In 1957 Fortune magazine published a list of America 's richest men , putting at the top the shy , reclusive , almost unknown J. Paul Getty , who turned out to be living in a modest room at the Ritz Hotel , London , conducting his world-wide oil business through the hotel switchboard with the minimum secretarial help .
4 In the Roman Catholic cathedral next door , I found a baffled couple from Pennsylvania , who turned out to be in the wrong cathedral .
5 Our tour manager was a quietly efficient , handsome lady , whose calm suggested those intrepid women who travelled these regions in the last century , and the lecturer was a young woman professor from Manchester University , who turned out to be an authority on mummification .
6 We were finally approached by a young man who turned out to be the club 's diving instructor .
7 After a cafeteria lunch that day with Jack Radford , Don Wilson and Jack Peach , I met the senior producer , James R. Finlay , who turned out to be friendly and helpful .
8 Hunchbacks and sea-horses — being captured by sailors who turned out to be octopuses — Dad with bloody hands , Mum drowning in mud …
9 Sir Eric and Lady Paignton were there , a kindly , elderly couple , who lived on the other side of the village , and one or two people from Clyst St George ; and a fat , over-dressed little woman who turned out to be Mrs Blessington-Dalrymple .
10 He accepted a glass from a black waiter and a kiss from a white puff-ball who turned out to be Camilla Welmsley .
11 ‘ My husband and I have never forgotten your Cordelia ; we saw it on our honeymoon , ’ said the young woman , who turned out to be the wife of an enthusiastic amateur producer of plays .
12 Among them a man who turned out to be an embalmer and whose advice and information were most useful .
13 Cuba has isolated people who turned out to be HIV positive .
14 The manifestations of Boltwood 's psychic powers started at the age of five when he talked to invisible people who turned out to be dead friends of his mother .
15 I smiled in answer to this , and started talking in French to a small , balding man who turned out to be Swiss and who was on the run from the customs in Geneva .
16 Later the same afternoon , seven of us were ordered over to the medical centre for a check up by the doctor , who turned out to be a medical student doing his military service .
17 Since he held by patent he could not be displaced and the work was executed by his deputy , Thomas Atkins , who turned out to be as dishonest and self-seeking as his principal .
18 But it was because Aaron said a mildly humorous comment about somebody in one of Whit 's photos who turned out to be one of Whit 's very good friends .
19 On arrival in Johannesburg , the first thing I noticed was a young , fresh , smiling face , who turned out to be the Second Secretary at the Consulate .
20 I left to live with a boyfriend , who turned out to be a bad lot .
21 A pale young Frenchwoman , who turned out to be the normally invisible secretary , Marie-Claire , was assuring the assembly in a shrill voice that everything was to proceed as normal .
22 The silver-haired gentleman , who turned out to be fluent in English and very charming in a gracious sort of way , chatted to her amiably about the south of France , though Alyssia did n't miss the way his eyes wandered unconsciously across to his wife every so often .
23 That left the third , who turned out to be Mrs Totteridge 's Father Topstock .
24 I kept stumbling over objects , like bar stools , or bumping into people who turned out to be barmen or waitresses .
25 The US Bank of New Orleans once even sent credit cards to potential customers with ‘ steady jobs ’ who turned out to be inmates working in Angola State Prison !
26 In the course of the 1840s the young radical put together an informal association of disaffected contemporaries whose ranks , at one time or another , included the novelist Dostoevsky , the satirist and future provincial governor Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin , the future panslav Nikolai Danilevskii , Vladimir Miliutin ( a brother of the man who reformed St Petersburg 's municipal administration in 1846 ) , Valerian Maikov ( brother of a distinguished lyric poet ) and Nikolai Speshnev , who turned out to be the most extreme member of the company but was also " the only one … to lead the life of a leisured gentleman " .
27 But it was United who turned out to be the party poopers .
28 I remember some years ago sharing a few dinner dates with a young lady who turned out to be one of Prince Charles 's old friends .
29 Charlie , who turned out to be a regular size , was dealt with fairly quickly , but it took almost an hour to find anything that did n't make Tommy look as if he was entering a sack race .
30 By the sixth week , Charlie could strip and clean a rifle almost as quickly as Tommy , but it was his friend who turned out to be a crack shot and seemed to be able to hit anything that moved at two hundred yards .
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