Example sentences of "who speak [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Those operating an amplification system need to ensure that there is a proper balance between the sound of the musicians using it and those who speak on the church 's public address system , where there is one .
2 By this I mean that those who identify themselves with the cause of animal welfare are increasingly those who speak for the commercial animal agriculture community , the bio-medical community , the hunting and trapping communities , and so on .
3 Most messages about the significance of the TVEI programme for the education of younger children come from the secondary sector or from those who speak for the ministries , either of Employment or of Education and Science .
4 Here , inconsistency refers to conflicts within the evidence of one or more witnesses who speak to the same version of the facts .
5 They are young people from each area who speak in the local language about important development issues , facilitate discussions and encourage villagers to come to their own conclusions through a series of interactive exercises .
6 You know what I think er , th we 've been talking about it round about and I says , you know , they were wondering if it was a bit suspic , I said no , th , they worry to death , there 's our children who speaking like the nig-nogs !
7 In the Miller 's Prologue , the Miller 's supposed drunkenness should not blind us to the measured good sense and balance of the mind implied within the character who speaks as the Miller .
8 The two issues at the heart of the disagreement are those which have killed at birth any attempt in the past dozen years to address the Palestinian question : Who speaks for the Palestinians and what are the limits of the Palestinian problem ?
9 Mr Hicks , who speaks for the bereaved and injured as chairman of the Hillsborough Families ' Association , was also unhappy to see the stadium host a semi-final again while the business from 1989 remained uncompleted .
10 Unfortunately , the Bill was vetoed by a Labour Whip although , since then , I note that , in The Guardian , the hon. Member for Blackburn ( Mr. Straw ) , who speaks for the Labour party on education , said : ’ Let a thousand league-tables bloom . ’
11 This belief in the interrelationship of life in all its forms may find corroboration from St. Paul who speaks of the whole creation groaning in pain and awaiting deliverance from the bondage of corruption into the liberty of the glory of the children of God .
12 Perfect for campaigning with , perfect for posters , TV , films and interviews , ’ said Bush a tall , silver-haired man who speaks in the burr of his native Wiltshire in England 's West Country .
13 Thus the Godardian question — ‘ who speaks in the image ? ’ — is given answer in Adornian tones : it is the ‘ system which decrees that the order of money determines the order of the image ’ ( MacCabe 1980 , p. 45 ) .
14 Barbara Franklin , US Secretary of Commerce , launched the proceedings , followed by Pehr Gyllenhammar , executive chairman of Volvo , who spoke on the accountant 's role in a global economy .
15 The North branch , small and isolated in comparison , concentrated on propaganda and education work , helped at one meeting by John MacLean who spoke on the organisation of economic classes ( BSP , NWH branch , Minutes 12 August 17 ) .
16 Original Tutor Muriel Alcock and her successors Ann Boast and Rosemary Frost were there , also Carol Ash , the original Adult Education Organiser , who spoke on the history of the Class .
17 It was God who spoke through the prophets , declares the writer of Hebrews .
18 The faceless ones who spoke with the omnipotent voice of authority and who , for the duration of hostilities , would be obeyed without question .
19 Unlike her uncle and aunt , who spoke with the Northern inflection , drawing one word into another , she pronounced the last syllable of each word .
20 At a meeting held at the local headquarters of the WSPU , " Mr Buckner , a prominent official in the STA , who spoke to the question from the men 's point of view , was subjected to a very severe heckling . "
21 Though he noticed there were some who spoke to the superintendent and were completely ignored , while others looked as if they would have preferred to creep past unknown .
22 The four NUT representatives who spoke to the Norwood committee in 1943 denounced tests ; their executive committee demanded that their use ‘ should not result in children with the highest intelligence being allocated to any one type of secondary school ’ .
23 Mr Mark Rees , a transexual who spoke to the annual meeting of Darlington Samaritans .
24 Jan 's Grimsby colleague , who spoke to the proud dad shortly after the birth , said : ‘ Jan watched the operation and said everything went smoothly .
25 I learnt that Roy Hattersley and Gwyneth Dunwoody , who spoke for the Opposition on health , had claimed at Labour 's morning press conference that they had a ‘ leaked ’ copy of a secret Health Department report planning the privatization of the service .
26 Similarly Dr Jim O'Neill , a heart specialist who spoke for the objectors , said that there was no doubt that the factory would have an effect on the health of a small number of workers and local residents .
27 Shelley was a poet who spoke for the people .
28 Lady Wagner , who spoke at the conference said : ‘ I am extremely disappointed that the minister did not announce the setting up of a new group to take on from where we are now . ’
29 This terminology dates back to St Paul who spoke of the church in Corinth , in Thessalonika , etc .
30 But several of his supporters agreed with Mr John Patten , the former Home Affairs Minister , who spoke of the ‘ wicked , old-fashioned racism ’ that had led to the overturning of the 4,896 Tory majority and brought shame to the spa town .
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