Example sentences of "make a substantial [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 NORWEB not only paid the ELR a commercial rate for the daily goods train but also made a substantial donation to the ELR-coach restoration fund .
2 Venturi was a university teacher , son of a famous father , Adolpho Venturi , who had made a substantial contribution to the publication of documents of Italian art .
3 a geomorphologist who has made a substantial contribution which includes a considerable number of process-type contributions as well as some concerned more with evolutionary geomorphology , concluded after a review of three recent statements on the issue ( Dury , 1972 , p. 201 ) :
4 Now an education and training consultant , Dr. Strongitharm has made a substantial contribution to building education and has worked tirelessly for the Institute for almost 30 years .
5 As it happens ’ — Morse consulted his watch ostentatiously — ‘ he is very shortly due to take off from Kennedy Airport to fly back to Heathrow , and he has already made a substantial confession about his part in the strange circumstances surrounding the Wolvercote Tongue and Dr Theodore Kemp .
6 In his own words , the head had " always made a substantial allocation of money from capitation to the library in addition to that which was designated " library " " , but he felt that this designated sum was " never sufficient " .
7 The shares of Baldwins Ltd had made a substantial recovery .
8 Meanwhile , the Established Church had made a substantial recovery .
9 The Government have made a substantial investment towards the cost of improving the A4059 at Aberdare and Abercynon .
10 Where the defendant has innocently made a substantial investment on the basis of information innocently acquired it is most unlikely that an injunction would be granted to restrain him from making use of that information ( although the fact that an injunction might drive the defendant into liquidation is not relevant if the tests in American Cyanamid Co v Ethicon [ 1975 ] AC 396 have been satisfied ; per May LJ in Bullivant ( Roger ) Ltd v Ellis [ 1987 ] ICR 464 ) .
11 Perhaps the development by lay shareholders of the scepticism implied by Mr Smith 's survival techniques could make a substantial contribution to avoiding a repetition of the public shock that attended the corporate failures at the end of the 1980s .
12 There is a growing expectation , not least from WACC 's friends in Eastern and Central Europe and the Soviet Union , that our Christian association should make a substantial contribution to the ethical debate on communication .
13 The court decision means the pair , who are only in their twenties , could make a substantial fortune from the device , which enables the user to modify a computer game and get more use from it .
14 None of these could be regarded as solutions in themselves , but taken together , and in combination with other measures outlined in the new deal , they can make a substantial improvement .
15 A man of good reading , but few prospects could make a substantial killing with a 5 year contract .
16 ‘ Virgin 's success is clear evidence that a new entrant airline with tight management and a well-targeted approach can make a substantial impact . ’
17 As far as BCCI is concerned , it is understood that a very high proportion of the loans made by BCCI have some sort of deposit associated , and this will obviously make a substantial difference to the amount which can be claimed on behalf of BCCI .
18 Most suppliers will offer early settlement discounts of around 2.5% and quantity discounts for larger orders , which can make a substantial difference to the margin .
19 What they do say is that the close coupling and phasing between the coprocessor and main processor makes a dramatic difference to coprocessor intensive applications , such as CAD , and will make a substantial difference to other coprocessor applications .
20 If this is anywhere near the true figure , would n't it be nice if Mr Dobson made a substantial donation to help fund treatment for the three-year-old handicapped boy , say £2,500 , plus another £2,500 for the echocardiograph appeal ?
21 Much later the Boots Pure Drug Co. endowed professorships in honour of Lord and Lady Trent which made a substantial contribution to the academic growth of the University .
22 To nobody 's surprise Colonel George Haldane secured his election for the Dunfermline district of burghs in 1754 , in spite of the enmity of the Duke of Argyll , and it must be conceded that the colonel 's ability to remove office holders made a substantial contribution to his victory .
23 The programme of motorway building played an important facilitating role , while direct government intervention made a substantial contribution in the form of the Location of Offices Bureau , large-scale slum clearance and the official overspill programme , the latter being expanded in the light of the mid-1960s projections of strong national population growth .
24 The programme of motorway building played an important facilitating role , while direct government involvement made a substantial contribution in the form of the Location of Offices Bureau , large-scale slum clearance and the official overspill programme , the latter being expanded in the light of the mid 1960s projections of strong national population growth ( Hamnett and Randolph , 1983a ; Robert and Randolph , 1983 ) .
25 This theme has also been taken up by a new Member who recently made a substantial contribution to the constitutional debate , Ian Duncan Smith , Member for Chingford .
26 But the towns were by no means insulated from its far-reaching effects , nor , within the towns , the trading community which made a substantial contribution to the wealth of the kingdom in this period .
27 An enterprising parents ' association at one primary school took on the short term lease of a shop in the local High Street in the pre-Christmas period and made a substantial profit by buying in stock from discount warehouses and retailing in competition with other traders .
28 Middlesbrough made a substantial profit last season , especially with two good Cup runs , and have an extra Premier League windfall .
29 MGM , Fox , Warner and RKO made a substantial number of films out of London , many of them spectaculars rather than authentically British productions , and a number of producers like Albert ( ‘ Cubby ’ ) Broccoli and Sam Spiegel moved from America to the UK .
30 Lérins itself was important in two ways ; first it played a major part in the promotion of monastic ideals in Gaul , and second it trained a succession of bishops who made a substantial impact on the Gallo-Roman , and later Frankish , Church .
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