Example sentences of "make use [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although Durkheim had made use of official statistics and standardised arithmetic procedures , such as averages and percentages , for theoretical purposes , the connections he made between the data and his theoretical conclusions were largely impressionistic if , from his point of view , effective enough .
2 The president of a village tribunal in another Low Country district reported that peasants often made use of ritual to solve minor disputes .
3 The company claimed that Fowler , a former senior employee and eight other former employees and a new company set up by Fowler had wrongfully made use of confidential information which had been acquired during employment .
4 Kinsey , in his pioneering studies of human sexual behaviour in the late 1940s , may have made use of eight-hour interviews , but in the vast majority of surveys these are out of the question .
5 7.4 It will have been noticed that all the examples offered have made use of prenominal attributives .
6 In my retelling of the Divine Drama I have made use of primitive mythological ways of speaking because I do not believe that we have a better language that is available to us when it comes to understanding God 's revelation as story — as the great epic of salvation .
7 Until the second half of the century even the greatest powers still occasionally made use of multi-member embassies and there was still some surviving feeling that a ruler was particularly honoured by receiving a group of ambassadors rather than an individual .
8 Most surveys of disability have made use of medical advice in identifying the responsible injuries and diseases , which usually helps to confirm the pluralistic nature of the disabled population .
9 On top of Arab nationalism , has n't Saddam Hussein also made use of Iraqi nationalism ?
10 The historian Lawrence Stone , for example , in an extensive study of the transformation of the family and marriage in England from 1500 to 1800 made use of personal documents , diaries , autobiographies , memoirs , domestic correspondence , handbooks , newspapers , reports of foreign visitors , imaginative literature , art , housing plans , modes of address between husbands and wives , folk customs , legal documents , and demographic statistics .
11 This certainly offers a fruitful way to see , say , the impact of early rock 'n' roll which one intuitively senses as ‘ radical ’ , yet which from the start , and increasingly as time went by , made use of traditional elements of musical and lyric form and content , and subsisted within the nexus of capitalist production processes .
12 In 1789 there were a dozen different States which made use of Swiss units ; and probably one Swiss in every twelve of military age was serving in a foreign army in time of peace .
13 However , a rather more theoretically informed use of secondary data is exemplified in the work of , again , Durkheim who made use of official statistics in his study of suicides in Europe , particularly France , to demonstrate the validity of his theories of the social causation of suicidal behaviour ; an objective for which the original statistics were not intended .
14 An energetic builder and engineer , he made use of innovative designs and newly available materials , such as india rubber .
15 Credit , Neighbours and Kin Many women made use of various forms of credit .
16 In the 1930s and 1940s several books on the Ferrars appeared which made use of unpublished papers in Cambridge .
17 Many of these discrete estates made use of extensive areas of distant or upland resources of pasture or woodland .
18 Most successful entrepreneurial business people made use of social assets based on kinship , friendship and other social contacts .
19 In addition , the Commission conducted an informal survey of the Christian music used on broadcasting outlets , consulted producers about their editorial policy , and made use of written submissions and correspondence .
20 Certainly recent excavations at Pompeii reveal that the Romans made use of vanishing points .
21 She frequently made use of Coptic craftsmen and one of them , a leather-worker , who had been repairing a handbag she was particularly fond of , was bringing it to her flat with his small son when he was attacked by a gang of youths .
22 Prior to World War II working class couples made use of judicial separation machinery rather than divorce , but the number of informal separations was undoubtedly larger than the number that came to court .
23 The DH sites mapping within 20 kb upstream of the Ea gene ( Ea DH I-V ) were particularly suited to further analysis , as one of the earliest transgenic mouse models of immunologically important genes made use of inbred mouse strains ( H-2 b or H-2 s haplotype ) which do not express surface I-E due to a specific 650 bp deletion covering part of the Ea promoter and first exon , while Eb expression remained normal ( 27-29 ) .
24 Assignments of G-imino and G-amino protons involved in base pairing ( Fig.3 a ) made use of cross-strand NOE interactions whose interpretation was complicated by the symmetry properties of the quadruplex .
25 Among the trick films , for example , he made use of double exposure as early as eighteen ninety-eight in a group of films , these are titles , ‘ Cinderella and the Fairy Godmother ’ , ‘ The Mesmerist ’ , ‘ The Corsican Brothers ’ , things like this , and he was one of the pioneers incidentally of the close-up .
26 The Tame Valley Canal was constructed to by-pass this section and was very sophisticated with long , bold , straight sections which made use of high embankments and deep , wide cuttings , twin towpaths and brick-lined banks .
27 His three designs , ‘ Troy ’ , ‘ Tuscany ’ and ‘ Arcady ’ , all of which made use of classical motifs , achieve variety without disturbing the overall flat pattern .
28 And as a result of this meeting , the Greenwood Trust was founded and its brief was to encourage the effective management of the woodlands and to develop products which would make use of home-produced timber .
29 A small number of studies did make use of observational methods , but a high proportion of these also included supplementary interview data " to bolster their conclusions " .
30 But if appointment as a lord of session was major patronage at any period in Scotland 's history , there was in the eighteenth century considerable demand for any post which could make use of legal education , for there is some reason to believe that the country was oversupplied with lawyers in view of the desperate efforts which some of them made to obtain a salaried post , no matter how minor .
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