Example sentences of "get [adv] close to " in BNC.

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1 He did not like the fact that his potential assassins had got so close to the Hotel where he was staying .
2 ‘ Well , it always seemed to me that the Cathars had got pretty close to it , ’ he said .
3 It had got amazingly close to her too .
4 I mean , can you think of any other situation , Pop , when a man gets so close to a woman except when he 's actually making love to her ? ’
5 So to lower the cost of capital and raise the firm 's value , should you not fill your boots with it , at least until you get so close to bankruptcy that shareholders and creditors start to demand higher returns to balance the risk ?
6 ‘ Until then waves had looked like a pleasant photogenic distraction on television , and not a serious challenge to anything else , ’ Salter recalled , ‘ but getting so close to 5 p/kWh would have rung a lot of alarm bells with people who would feel threatened . ’
7 And all I know is he 's getting literally close to home and he works for you , if you include disabling your barmen in the conditions of employment , that is . ’
8 ‘ We 're getting awfully close to the reef . ’
9 Get as close to subject as you can
10 You get as close to it as you can and get your brother out while we deal with the hijackers . ’
11 Get really close to the happy animals at Monkey Mountain , Meerkat Mound and Penguin Bay with dramatic underwater viewing .
12 We were getting interestingly close to setting a new record .
13 Walter , down below them and with the waters getting perilously close to the tops of his waders , says , ‘ Something 's rotten under here .
14 Are you aware that you 're getting perilously close to slander ?
15 But , when he gets too close to any dog he growls and barks .
16 Alarm messages appear on the screen if the chase car gets too close to , or too far from , the lead car .
17 Women can similarly become inwardly cold when a man gets too close to them .
18 Although Satan has the power to hurt people who get too close to him , his power is not unstoppable !
19 But if you find it , under NO circumstances get too close to it .
20 ‘ Not get too close to it ?
21 getting too close to the interviewer .
22 Avoid getting too close to them and certainly do n't try to wrestle with them or restrain them .
23 He had made no attempt to kiss her again — in fact , he seemed deliberately to avoid getting too close to her at all .
24 That approach was also rejected , because it was getting too close to a rating system , but it would have had some logic , a factor that is entirely outwith the system with which we are now confronted .
25 Subsequently , one of the three , Francesco Di Maggio , in a television appearance , suggested that they had been withdrawn because they were getting too close to identifying links between the Mafia and establishment figures .
26 Look at it this way : Track Two is now doing just what it was set up to do in just the situation they foresaw : a weak British government getting too close to Moscow .
27 It was getting too close to reality .
28 While I was visiting the area , one perched on a small hawthorn tree on the other side of the road and I got quite close to it .
29 I do n't much care which , ’ said Fenella , who did not really want Caspar to ride off and leave her alone out here , but who was not going to get so close to Nuadu and then ride away and leave him .
30 If you can get so close to barbel , with or without them knowing it , you should take the opportunity to study how they use the available cover to sneak under ; how they move like silent wraiths across the bottom , and how they rake over the gravel on the bottom with their barbules .
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