Example sentences of "so powerful [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Franco was well aware that the deliverance from evil of so powerful a symbol would greatly enhance his standing among the Nationalist partisans .
2 This garden ( protected from the road on one side by huge , untidy gum trees , in a permanent state of reptilian slough , leaving the discarded bark hanging from the newly emerged , silvery trunks ) has for me so powerful a charm because it returns me to my childhood , with a complete collection of odours , insects , fragrances , ponds and over-vigorous plants .
3 So powerful a mixture of love and rejection was both perplexing and formative , leaving the child uncertain where to attach his affections , and desperate in his search for acceptance and approval .
4 This enthusiasm was not , however , shared by the bishop , Laurence Bothe , who was clearly unhappy at the arrival of so powerful a neighbour .
5 This enthusiasm was not , however , shared by the bishop , Laurence Bothe , who was clearly unhappy at the arrival of so powerful a neighbour .
6 Feminist responses to hygienism were rarely unambiguous , partly because physiological medicine and evolutionary biology were so powerful a mainstay of anti-feminist campaigns .
7 When the flap of the tent was disturbed it began to shudder , but hunger was now so powerful a force in its life that it could not bring itself to leave the stench of the kill .
8 According to Godfrey Hodgson : ‘ Never has so powerful a leader been so impotent to do what he wants to do , what he is pledged to do , what he is expected to do , and what he knows he must do ’ .
9 But many people wondered why Mr Peairs had used quite so powerful a weapon , and why he had not simply fired it into the air ; or why , living as he did in a relatively safe middle-class suburb , he had been so scared .
10 But because it is so powerful a fish , such a doughty fighter and has to be dragged up from such depths , Latimeria very seldom reaches the shore alive .
11 Lady Debrace seemed more concerned about Harry 's ability to drive her daughter safely in so powerful a motor car than about Madeleine 's reputation .
12 They should understand what is meant by Language Universals , and the reasons why the development of Transformational Grammar has given so powerful an impetus to the study of language acquisition .
13 certain of the elements combine so naturally and with so powerful an effect that we pursue that path of combination as a path in its own right and forget about the problem we are trying to solve .
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