Example sentences of "so simple [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( Though even so simple a word will conjure a variety of different images , depending upon the canine preferences of the reader . )
2 It was then appropriate to show how ‘ … from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been , and are being evolved ’ .
3 There are two possible mechanisms for regulation in so simple a system : either a change in the amount of neurotransmitter released by the sensory neuron , or a change in the sensitivity of the motor neuron to constant doses of neurotransmitter .
4 Formal logic can not cope with even so simple a contradiction , though we live with such conflicts as matters of course .
5 One might hardly suspect that so simple a task for so few seconds of film could prove so practically trying and , on reflection , so symbolic of our whole chain of adventures , attempting to keep aloft and alive a consecutive string of luminous mirrors against rather ridiculous odds .
6 Now I understood Francis 's will not to be so simple a matter , also that he had believed I knew about it .
7 The problem is not susceptible of so simple a solution , however , since Mehmed Sah 's death is duly recorded under the events of the year 839 in the two early texts of Nesri ( 838 in the Ankara edition , p. 618 ) , at only some fifteen lines ' remove from the troublesome entry for 838 .
8 It was certainly not so simple an issue as supposed by the old ideologues on either side — the neo-mercantilists in favour of protection and the neo-classical liberals in favour of open , free trade .
9 I should suppose that it is deliberately not so expressed , for I can not think that so simple an expedient as the transfer of assets to a company resident in the United Kingdom and the immediate removal of that company outside it would not occur to the draftsman .
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