Example sentences of "so far he have " in BNC.

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1 He was often overcome with temptation when faced with such delights as chicken dumplings and ice-cream and treacle suet pudding , and so far he had been lucky .
2 So far he had only spoken to minor figures of the tragedy which befell Alexander III at Kinghorn .
3 So far he had n't sold a single thing .
4 It did not solve his problem but the poor fellow had to make out his report and he had to find some element of evidence and so far he had n't got much to write down .
5 Wolfgang was now 21 years old , no longer a child , and so far he had devoted his entire life to music .
6 Although he had a reasonably good idea of what went on between men and women , so far he had never even kissed a girl .
7 So far he had not even registered her presence , and she was in no particular hurry to enlighten him .
8 So far he had found no way to resolve the conundrum facing him .
9 So far he had attended Mass at St Basil 's only once , sitting at the back and hurrying out after the service before anyone could speak to him .
10 So far he had n't said a word but he spoke then .
11 So far he had been quiet , staring into the darkness , though keeping a careful eye on Sir John .
12 Indeed , so far he had not been able to discover any previous relationship at all between Zoser and the Zikr .
13 So far he had been able to maintain a claim to even-handedness on the grounds that he treated both sides , Moslems and Copt , with equal severity .
14 It had to be soon , it had to be quick , and so far he had seen no way of achieving it .
15 So far he had n't said anything to give her a clue .
16 Lee , speaking at a news conference at an hotel near his Wilmslow home , said that so far he had not made contact with Swales .
17 But after that Pete had sworn that he 'd touch nothing stronger than tapwater for the rest of the evening , and so far he 'd been sticking to it .
18 So far he 'd got sympathetic countries to ‘ deplore ’ the malai act of aggression , which was not the same thing as condemning it , he said .
19 So far he 'd said nothing , and she found this more unnerving than speech .
20 So far he has no regrets .
21 So far he has not had the opportunity to appear to us a flexible and strong politician . ’
22 The former Cardiff winger has his faults but so far he has adapted well to his new code and in a Bradford side playing more expansively these days is seeing plenty of the ball .
23 So far he has proved to be no stern ayatollah .
24 The South African case remains interesting , and I asked my doctor friend for clarification , but so far he has not been able to get any further information .
25 So far he has tracked down the chemical 3-methyl-2-hexenoic acid .
26 So far he has not tried to blame anyone else .
27 ‘ Technology thrives by taking the best elements of technology from countries around the world , so free trade is absolutely crucial , but so far he has not made a clear stand on free trade . ’
28 So far he has .
29 So far he has n't been wrong !
30 So far he has done very little ‘ work ’ for me .
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