Example sentences of "so i mean [pron] " in BNC.

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1 so I mean they 'd
2 see so I mean they should know
3 Er so I mean they were in use more or less all the time but er it was it was n't , it was n't too bad , better than a lot of hospitals had .
4 I I mean er I doubt whether we 'll we 'll have a full slate in February anyway so I mean they 'll probably be the option for people to come in later and we 'll probably end up co-opting people later and er I think we should
5 Mind you , like I said Stuart I was in the bar and and if I did n't like it I could of gone in the lounge so I mean they could n't ha he would n't have it .
6 so I mean they
7 set the pace for Austria with the , track record run of fifty seven point seven four and the second bob is fifteenth see I mean they 're , they 're , they 're fifty seven , eight for nine against fifty seven , seven , four , so I mean they 're not half a second then , I mean they were , they were first in the two man and then they dropped six after one run so
8 It 's thirty eight overs so I mean they 've got another twelve overs yet .
9 Okay , so I mean they sa they all do say they 'll be talking at the same time , but as I say , th that bit goes there .
10 so I mean we 've got more people in on Mondays
11 Aha , so if I had n't have n't , goodness knows , aha , so I mean we , I had a chat with Iris obviously , but it just was n't on , with other commitments and different things , it was in the afternoon
12 so , so I mean we can review it as it goes
13 But this is only a basic set so I mean we 'll know when there 's a tube yeah
14 we had our alarm ooh after five , William called us just in case we laid late , so we was on the move ten , ten past five , so I mean we 've been on the go perhaps two hours more than anybody else and eh , and then cos when , it was just like that , but it was down here now I thought to went to that down on his and a little
15 So I mean we 're
16 Even so I mean we might not be so lucky .
17 Well we 've got the old Errol Flynn so I mean we have got
18 So I mean what you 're getting is the expertise , and the , and the assistance of erm an external adviser .
19 D so I mean what do you find to do , I mean , how do you spend your time ?
20 erm so I mean what I did with my final year project was actually try to write something which was very sort of wide ranging and broad which sort of was like a first dr draft of an introduction and then once I got more data
21 Mhm right erm so I mean what does it look like it 's gon na be turning into ?
22 And course , they had , with us you know at one time and now they 've got that holiday again now , so I mean none of them would of been cheap when they did it .
23 And er , so I mean he was pretty well , he kept about six shire horses , those big
24 yeah so I mean he said we 're gon na have to go out for a drink and sit down and discuss it , you know
25 But they had a new headmaster oh he 's just retired , he 's been there been there since Lynn was there when since she was since the er she 's twice that age so I mean he must have been there eighteen years but when he went there he 's er totally the school from the word go
26 Mm , even so I mean he , he 's still got to buy it ai n't he ?
27 So I mean he is very , very good at his tables and we bought one of those Early Learning tapes when he was quite young that you sing
28 So I mean I think what we envisaged though was that the local publicity group erm would meet and see if the well first of all I suppose was there a , a necessity having seen what we 've got from national level er necessity to produce a kind of newsletter , a joint unison newsletter specific to Northumberland , that 's what the group was going to have a look at was n't it ?
29 I 'm not going to pursue anybody on this one so I mean I 'm not yo you ca you can answer with er with impunity .
30 Er well I 'm sixty-five you see , so I mean I would be in my forties would n't I you see .
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