Example sentences of "so far [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So far had music come in the sixteen years since Palestrina 's death .
2 SAVE was now the owner of a building we had not so far gained access to .
3 Neither Mr Brown nor Ms Reno , and certainly not their boss Mr Clinton , has so far supported legalisation .
4 I. , N. and R. It may be indeed that such doctors will be willing to say that they would give the very authority for mechanical intervention which the doctors who have so far given evidence did not support .
5 The government has not so far given ground on Mozambique , and has insisted that it is committed to keeping its troops in Cambodia .
6 Would you expect him , the prince of Wales , to so far flout convention as to seek a liaison with his brother 's lady ? ’
7 No other organisation so far offers cash on the spot .
8 Although the government reported that the first four days of the war had cost Britain £100m in ammunition and equipment , the cost is so far proving light for Mr Average .
9 They also agreed to send observers into potential flashpoints of neighbouring Kosovo and Macedonia to prevent a repeat of the civil war in two regions that have so far escaped violence .
10 Religious structures are another category which have so far escaped attention , even though temples are well-established features at many small towns .
11 Late on 29 June 1690 , having so far evaded battle , he was ordered by the government to engage the enemy , being goaded into action by a message from the queen herself : ‘ We apprehend the consequences of your retiring to the Gunfleet to be so fatal , that we choose rather that you should , upon any advantage of the wind , give battle to the enemy . ’
12 Linear B is generally agreed to be an early form of Greek , but Linear A was a different language , which has so far evaded identification .
13 I have so far discussed deixis per se and the functions of context .
14 Meanwhile health campaigns have largely failed so far to change behaviour .
15 It does not go so far to ensure proportionality as other variants , but would involve the least departure from the existing system , would retain single-member constituencies which many regard as being a valuable feature of the present system , and would be much the simplest to understand in operation .
16 Three have so far taken place covering East Anglia during spring 1984 , South Wales , spring 1985 and Scotland in 1986 .
17 Two known meetings have so far taken place between both party leaders , with a whirlwind of protest from unionists when they issued a joint statement before the elections , while denying it reflected any form of electoral pact .
18 We have so far considered point charges , dipoles , line charges , and sheet charges without enquiring into the problem how such configurations of charges come about .
19 However it is the quantitative measures which have so far dominated research in this field , and which will provide the basis for this review .
20 One week there had been fifty fridge doors outside his office , another week forty or fifty bicycle frames , although Robert had not so far caught sight of a single chain , tyre , wheel or handlebar .
21 The London Deaf Video Project ( LDVP ) , established in 1985 and initially funded by the former Greater London Council , exists to provide the deaf community with information through video tapes in BSL Subjects treated so far include AIDS , welfare benefits , the dangers of smoking solicitors and their services , and the need for retirement .
22 London has so far had luck on its side with three massive IRA bombs failing to detonate .
23 There was no trace of the bombers , and no one has so far claimed responsibility .
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