Example sentences of "make [prep] the basis " in BNC.

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1 This implication will be made upon the basis that Parliament is not to be presumed to take away parties ' rights without giving them an opportunity of being heard in their interest .
2 If budget allocations for regions and districts are made on the basis of continuing existing spending patterns , this need will be overlooked , as most authorities do not have adequate provision for post-hospital care for elderly people .
3 At the very minimum they must have been made on the basis of a police guarantee that matters would be manipulated so that courts would not impose additional punishment for the illusory offences .
4 A spokeswoman for the bank said : ‘ You have to remember that the rankings are made on the basis of value of bids , which are all down to BAT .
5 We need to check whether our decisions are made on the basis of making our resources available to others and sharing theirs wherever possible before we strike out independently .
6 Whether or not to select a model with sloping sides or vertical ones should be made on the basis of the types of crops you intend to grow .
7 Those classed as ‘ other homes ’ included convalescent homes , a rehabilitation centre , an assessment centre , a holiday home for the disabled and rest homes which may in practice have been homes for older people ( the classification was made on the basis of the information given by the person interviewed ) .
8 Decisions are made on the basis of evidence , but they may be reversed .
9 We have an artist 's projection made on the basis of our early work , and from the results we 've had so far , I have every reason to hope we 've pulled it off .
10 Too much expenditure is involved for decisions to be made on the basis of the influence or favour of suppliers ' representatives .
11 The suggestions that are made on the basis of the analysis may not suit everyone 's palate .
12 In principle , the allocation must be made on the basis of relative priority .
13 Nevertheless it should again be stressed that decisions about weeding programmes and/or new building programmes are rarely made on the basis of such calculations .
14 However , decisions should be made on the basis of a structured analysis of candidates ' qualities .
15 And the more dubious must we be of sweeping generalisations made on the basis of such statistics .
16 The decision of whether to prescribe an antidepressant should be made on the basis of whether the patient shows ‘ biological ’ features of depression which predict a good response ( e.g. early morning wakening , diurnal mood variation , and weight loss due to impaired appetite ) ; whether , in the case of severe depression , one can afford to wait for the delayed response of an antidepressant ; and the extent to which environmental factors seem largely to explain the symptoms .
17 Judgements of students are often made on the basis of the subjective values of teachers or ward staff , that is , on what is believed to be good practice .
18 Quite apart from questions of competition policy , takeovers themselves must be the subject of rules , to ensure that investment decisions can be made on the basis of transparent markets and reliable information .
19 If managerial decisions are made on the basis of some logic implicit in the technology itself , or in its cost structure , then forecasts can be made with some confidence .
20 Mr McCallum continued that the decisions made by the Social Work Department were made on the basis of confidential information , and should that department reply to the Action Committee , he said , they might divulge information which should nut be revealed at that time .
21 In his approach , selection of neighbourhoods from a lexicon for search are made on the basis of gross visual similarity .
22 This calculation will be made on the basis of a broadly equivalent comparable house , that is , one which would broadly provide the same accommodation , due allowance being made for the location , for example , urban versus rural and which is in a location of broadly equivalent quality .
23 Sometimes a case will be made on the basis of what is known to happen abroad for the actual transfer or importation into a country of particular industrial relations methods or techniques .
24 Hard cases test the ‘ rules of recognition ’ and , in the absence of explicit guidance , impossible for every contingency , judgements are made on the basis of prevailing feelings about ‘ justice or fairness or some other dimension of morality ’ ( 1977 : 22 ) .
25 In any case , it must be recognized that these notes , however full and detailed , are a selection from all the events that the researcher witnessed , and that this selection is made on the basis of what the researcher considers to be significant .
26 They doubted whether valid measures of all of the areas of development could be devised ; they maintained that the tests used would have a distorting and trivializing effect on pupils ' learning ( 'this year 's test becomes next year 's curriculum' ) : they pointed to the possibility , notwithstanding the assurances that light sampling techniques would be deployed , that superficial comparisons would be made on the basis of inadequate evidence between areas and between schools ; and they detected in the paraphernalia of mass testing associated with the APU the most sinister intrusion of central government into the work of the schools and the spectre of state-controlled curricula .
27 The CEMWC 's suggestion of 17 , as opposed to 16 as the age of consent then was for heterosexual relations , was made on the basis that the higher age would provide ‘ better protection of youth ’ .
28 These assertions are made on the basis of research in modern ethology , and the arguments will not be discussed in any detail as they belong to a different universe of discourse from that of psychoanalysis and sociology .
29 The assessment is riddled with judgements made on the basis of professional experience or political choice .
30 and that the term ‘ discrimination ’ includes any distinction , exclusion or preference made on the basis of race , colour , sex , religion , political opinion , national extraction or social origin , which has the effect of nullifying or impairing equality of opportunity or treatment in employment or occupation .
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