Example sentences of "make [prep] [art] request " in BNC.

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1 Visits of Clerk of Works Visits will be made on a request basis .
2 Visits of Clerk of Works Visits will be made on a request basis .
3 The film was made at the request of a Belgian organization and will be dubbed from English into French and Flemish .
4 The original five-year ban , which expired in March this year , was made at the request of the Salvadorean government and is intended to protect the significant archaeological sites in the Cara Sucia region where stone and ceramic artifacts have been uncovered .
5 ( 2 ) Restraint orders made at the request of the prosecutor under section 77 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 are a special case and in In re O. does not therefore assist the plaintiffs .
6 Certain unspecified revisions were made at the request of the Council of Constitutional Guardians .
7 The vote was made at the request of Mitsotakis after he dismissed Foreign Minister Antonis Samaras and assumed the post himself on April 13 .
8 On Nov. 13 the government postponed the constitutional referendum ( due on Nov. 28 ) to Dec. 26 ; the move was made at the request of all political parties following complaints that electoral lists were incomplete .
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