Example sentences of "make [pron] hard [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Shilton 's goalkeeping and extra pace in the back four should make them hard to beat next summer , but goals will be a problem if Lineker does not rediscover his finishing touch and the team as a whole lacks subtlety and imagination .
2 The low contrast between the ‘ on ’ and ‘ off ’ states of the crystal mixture and the precise viewing angle needed make them hard to read .
3 By nature he is very much ‘ one of the boys ’ , which must have made it hard to assert himself , he does not find it easy to take advice and is readily upset by criticism .
4 Although there 's been a lot of interest in the Bath exhibition , Roles has found that his radical approach to the medium has made it hard to get his work established in this country .
5 The mud-loving Cabochon , won last year 's Ascot Stakes , and a reproduction of that form would make him hard to beat here .
6 Curiously , Branson did not dislike McLaren — Malcolm 's transparently roguish charm made him hard to dislike — but he had never trusted him from the day they had first shaken hands in Leslie Hill 's office and McLaren had failed to arrive at the Virgin offices ; failed to keep his promise .
7 That will make it hard to push through such an ambitious programme of reform .
8 Then the trade deficit will make it hard to lower interest rates without undermining sterling , while at the same time reinforcing industry 's demands for cheaper money to help it compete .
9 Also , too many slow payers and bad debts will shrink capital and profits to levels that could make it hard to stay open for more business .
10 This is familiar language , and Eleanor Gordon and others have argued that much more investigation of the circumstances of setting up women 's unions is needed before it can be accepted at face value , Material obstacles made union membership difficult for women : their low pay made it hard to pay dues , while their domestic duties as daughters and sisters , not to mention the question of staying out late , made it hard to attend meetings .
11 Design flaws made it hard to manufacture the thing in volume at 40MHz until recently , although it was originally targeted at high clock rates .
12 Design flaws made it hard to manufacture in volume at 40MHz until recently though it was originally targeted at high clock rates .
13 This is familiar language , and Eleanor Gordon and others have argued that much more investigation of the circumstances of setting up women 's unions is needed before it can be accepted at face value , Material obstacles made union membership difficult for women : their low pay made it hard to pay dues , while their domestic duties as daughters and sisters , not to mention the question of staying out late , made it hard to attend meetings .
14 And the Shelley party were near at hand — though the fluctuations of the time scale made it hard to determine whether they would recognize my name if they heard it .
15 Blue eyes that made it hard to look away .
16 Jones had been cast for the minor but useful role of leading a small diversionary force of ships to the north of England and Scotland , but his attempts to make his ships ready for sea involved him in constant arguments with the French authorities , and his reputation as a tyrannical captain made it hard to find a crew .
17 Convinced that education was the prime path to political formation , he became a schoolmaster and , although his socialism made it hard to find a place , he was appointed to one by the Govan school board .
18 Leavis always laid claim to the subtler view of controversy , but his doctrine was always easily open , as he knew , to cruder interpretations , and the fire-and-brimstone of his prose sometimes made it hard to interpret or understand in any other way .
19 It smelt and made it hard to breath .
20 Even while speaking , he was shrinking , either in real terms or because he was being sucked into the distance ; darkness made it hard to differentiate .
21 It is too soon to reach any definitive judgement , given the relatively few companies privatized and the extreme movements of oil prices which make it hard to compare that industry with others .
22 But his high profile , the constituency 's diverse make up and the closeness of all three parties make it hard to call .
23 GATT rules make it hard to levy a tax on the estimated value of the virgin materials incorporated in an import .
24 So even if ministerial loyalties make it hard to admit it , he probably shares the apprehension which haunts many others as they contemplate this Bill : that though , at the end of the day , quantity will increase , quality will diminish ; or to put it in a form of words which trips easily off Conservative lips on other occasions — that More is going to mean Worse .
25 Early diagnosis is difficult partly because the denial systems of primary sufferers , family members and others make it hard to get a clear picture , especially when there may be few adverse consequences .
26 Stability : the stove 's low profile ( just 3in high ) , weight and integral design make it hard to knock over .
27 By making it hard to put up the tall blocks of flats of the sort that span the skylines of most capitals , the government condemns Tokyo to low-rise , cramped housing .
28 Cold air like rushing water battered at his face , beating in his cheeks and making it hard to breathe .
29 Her own shadow stretching ahead , making it hard to see it clearly .
30 ‘ You can get more information on the page , without making it hard to take in . ’
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