Example sentences of "make [art] good living " in BNC.

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1 The elderly lay proprietor , Miss Cordelia Claybury , had inherited the madhouse from her father who had made a good living out of the rich and insane .
2 There 's a lot of rice that 's grown so in some areas the people can actually make a good living for themselves .
3 I should think you could make a good living there if you wanted to .
4 He made a good living from his extensive knowledge of breakbeats and old funk records , and eventually Beats International evolved quite naturally out of his love of DJing .
5 He made a good living , and seemed resentful of his wife 's decision to take in a lodger .
6 Apparently this old man , John Raven lived in a shack beside the stone and made a good living out of selling a paper he had had printed , which gave the size , weight and origin of the stone .
7 Designing clothes for Carnega was all very well and I made a good living at it I wo n't deny but I wanted to be free to do my own thing — and to have my own name on the labels .
8 After that no studio would touch him , although he made a good living as an actor and was even reunited with Gloria Swanson to recount more glorious days in Sunset Boulevard .
9 Aside from the bank , there exists a buoyant free market in lending money and the lenders make a good living out of it .
10 I tell them I am making a good living , that I can support a child , that I want a baby more than anything , but they refuse . ’
11 Norman is willing to accept the criticism that he 's a white man making a good living from black music .
12 But I mean , were led to believe that some of the people that you see sitting on the streets of Edinburgh begging are actually making a good living out of it !
13 They was on making a good living and still do I think .
14 Yet it was hard to make a good living here as the Peruvians did not seem to like their own music .
15 They are so well paid they do n't have to go abroad to make a good living .
16 These may be small operations with one or two senior public relations executives with a shared secretary , with sufficient turnover to make a good living .
17 There is no doubt that Tony Bowran makes a good living working as he does in the field of the ‘ high profile ’ advertising market — as he says , ‘ agencies are my clients , my bread and butter . ’
18 In the season of goodwill it seems appropriate to contemplate a fungus that makes a good living out of parasitising insects ; but it is so mild-mannered that its hosts ( and most biologists ) are hardly aware of its existence
19 ‘ She has a husband who makes a good living .
20 The floor of the north-facing harbour is a mass of mooring chains and , according to the Imray pilot , there 's at least one inhabitant with a glass-bottomed boat who makes a good living from visitors ' misfortunes .
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