Example sentences of "make [art] new start " in BNC.

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1 Then we have made a new start . ’
2 Since then I 've made a new start . ’
3 It is only through a living faith in God that we can make a new start in our emotional life with each other .
4 ‘ I thought we really would make a new start , that I would sort of … make him blossom . ’
5 Make a new start .
6 Perhaps she ought to go away , and make a new start somewhere else .
8 That 's what making a new start is all about .
9 By adopting the Scottish term , Free Church , instead of Nonconformist , the movement was showing that it was making a new start with an eye to the twentieth , not to the nineteenth or even eighteenth century .
10 Like destroying all the paintings one 's ever done and making a new start .
11 Tell Charlie I 'm out of it , I 'm leaving town and making a new start . ’
12 trying to think of what new schools and what making a new start , this er , for your file
13 It was time to make a new start .
14 Borrowing on the security of high hopes and honest intentions , as Malcolm Elwin observed in his edition of Haydon 's autobiography and journals ( 1950 ) , and an unsuccessful attempt to live by credit , had brought insolvency and imprisonment , and now he had to make a new start .
15 ‘ I need a fresh look to make a new start
16 Thank God I 'm fully recovered , but I feel I need a fresh look to make a new start . ’
17 ‘ Or he wanted to make a new start in life .
18 Played the proud hero and sent her home with enough money in her pocket to make a new start ? ’
19 But in some parishes it er had been useful for them to stand out because the parish council was made up of people who had grown old with parish priests and er it was a chance to make a new start .
20 It is a chance not to be missed for Italian politics to make a new start .
21 He said he had already made it clear to the convention that he wanted to establish a good relationship with COSLA and local government , and to make a new start after a period of expenditure difficulties .
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