Example sentences of "get ready for the " in BNC.

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1 But in the evening he came out and made his way to the royal store-rooms , where the food was being got ready for the King and his chief followers and wives .
2 NOW that England and Scotland are getting ready for the World Cup finals , the question on the lips of two rejoicing nations is : ‘ What will the lads wear for the big date in Italy ? ’
3 Within another month or two he did The Rainbow which got enormous coverage , and within another month he was here getting ready for the first American tour .
4 ‘ My morning thing is not really about getting ready for the day , but getting rid of the night .
5 Then I remembered they would be getting ready for the Roman banquet later on in the evening .
6 They chatted for a while longer , then Mrs Lennox and Susan set about packing , getting ready for the next day 's evacuation .
7 While Robyn is getting up , and getting ready for the day , thinking mostly about the nineteenth-century industrial novels on which she has to lecture this morning , I will tell you about Charles , and other salient facts of her biography .
8 In a big terraced house in Dunlaoghaire , another household was getting ready for the opening of the university term .
9 ‘ You know , Comrade Andropov is getting ready for the Party Congress , so he can not receive you at the moment , but you can make a detailed written statement of everything , saying who it is you suspect , and so on and so forth ’ .
10 ‘ Because of all the waiting for the team to happen , we lost a lot of time getting ready for the new season .
11 ‘ I think they 're getting ready for the Second Front , ’ Sarah told Maureen , ‘ although Joe did n't say so . ’
12 Last year this was arranged as usual but I was so busy looking after my guests during the day that I had to rush getting ready for the evening out .
13 All the boats were getting ready for the regatta that afternoon , bailing out dinghies , coiling ropes , and smells of food frying wafted across the smell of the estuary .
14 Just as he practised the violin every morning between nine thirty and ten thirty , so I always had the sense he practised his lovemaking on me , getting ready for the real thing , only this with me was not it : I was not it .
15 Hospice helpers : Getting ready for the five miles charity fun run organised by Croft Hotels and the Shaftesbury Inn are Sean O'Neill ( 15 ) and Darren Maken ( 15 ) , both from Glengormley with Lynda Watt ( 23 ) from Belfast .
16 Getting ready for the runners , ’ she explained .
17 ‘ More likely everyone 's too busy getting ready for the captain 's reception tonight . ’
18 We 're always so careful , but … well , I suppose we were so busy getting ready for the cruise … ’
19 Lynda said that getting ready for the first visitors was proving quite a challenge .
20 You do n't really get a break because you 're getting ready for the afternoon .
21 The care pulls up at the studio and Kylie greets everyone with a breezy ‘ G'Day ’ and gets ready for the last few moments as Lola teenage runaway .
22 The Jolly Postman , or Other People 's Letters , by Janet and Allan Ahlberg MAGGIE GEE ( mother of Rosa , 2 years , 11 months ) The Babar Books by Jean de Brunhoff ( Methuen , £2.95 to £12.95 ; Magnet Paperbacks , £2.50 ) Get ready for the Babar revival .
23 And as they get ready for the Big One , the title decider , the lads will clutch at every available straw .
24 WITH Arrested Development now top of the pops through ‘ People Everyday ’ , get ready for the spin-off projects .
26 Above : The Euro Disney President and Vice-President get ready for the grand opening
27 However you enjoy the sun — get ready for the long , hot Ontario summer .
28 The then that leaves me just basically five weeks or four weeks to tie up everything and get ready for the record of achievement obviously
29 GET READY for the holiday blitz .
30 ‘ She had enough clothes for a month , never mind a few days , ’ said one of Elizabeth 's friends , who helped them get ready for the trip .
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