Example sentences of "get the best [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I inadvertently got the best vantage point on one of the most exciting holes in the world ! "
2 He was local to the area , I think it was one of these bakers that used to used to do it but er he probably only used to do it once a week sell it once a week I think of all the people that was on course we got the best , we got the best place and er and it came out that the erm tourist information booklet .
3 Gerald Strine in the same newspaper was more forthright : for him Piggott ‘ nearly got the best horse beaten ’ .
4 Now Rideout , a £500,000 buy from Rangers , is determined to show Kendall got the best deal .
5 After 27 years at BTR 's electrical wholesaling subsidiary Newey & Eyre , 46-year-old Alan knew he had a worthwhile asset in his preserved pension and he wanted to be sure he got the best value .
6 As there has been very little traffic today , I just thought I would comment on somebody 's statement that Leeds have possibly got the best squad in the premier league .
7 Got the best goal ever scored against Brazil .
8 It 's got the best selection of any piece of software .
9 But anyway we 've grasped the point that the general elections it 's really down to the prime minister to er er to ask for the dissolution of parliament and the prime minister will normally a will normally ask for the dissolution of parliament when he or she thinks they 've got the best chance of winning .
10 He has n't got the best temperament for it .
11 Basically I do n't disagree with you , aye we have got the best army and I loved my I loved my time in the Army but I 'm totally against the way I was treated in the Army .
12 Souness said : ‘ I 'm not too upset by the new rule — I 've got the best outfield playing goalkeeper in the world !
13 Adds Linda : ‘ If you ask the children who 's got the best dad in the world they all jump up , clapping and shouting ‘ we have ’ . ’
14 Adds Linda : ‘ If you ask the children who 's got the best dad in the world they all jump up , clapping and shouting ‘ we have ’ . ’
15 I 'm not bothered either erm and he goes he goes , he goes I have n't got the best handwriting and by the looks of things neither has Mr it 's completely changed from the first three weekly you had .
16 Scum fans claim they 've now got the best pitch in the Premiership .
17 Who 's got the best knee then ?
18 I 've got the best teacher in the world , do you have a nice teacher ? ,
19 correction , I 've got the best teacher in the world
20 Carl is only 19 … he 's got the best record of any British jumper this season and in training has beaten Lyn Davies ' National Record of 8 metres 23 …
21 Then I could remain sane about it , by thinking I 'm being stupid : I 've really got the best world .
22 It 's too early for me right now — besides I 've got the best job in the world .
23 Everything within reason must be done to ensure not only that children are not neglected but that they get the best upbringing possible … .
24 In that way , you get the best return on the time and effort you put into revision .
25 Our surveys on this issue get the best response from staff at all grades ’ .
27 How does a nine-year old get the best advice when setting up a new tank ?
28 You now have several options , so take a bit of time to think through what you really want to do — and get the best advice you can .
29 Mortgage advice — how to arrange the money for your house purchase quickly and get the best bargain , without being sold a life assurance policy that you may not need
30 Taking into consideration a number of factors — including earnings , mortgage costs and prices — Northern Ireland home buyers get the best deal .
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