Example sentences of "so [adv] as possible " in BNC.

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1 For example , if he learnt that the patient was a Jehovah 's Witness , but had no evidence of a refusal to accept blood transfusions , he would avoid or postpone any blood transfusion so long as possible .
2 In time of war , persons for the time being residing or doing business in an enemy country , whatever their nationality or domicile , are disabled from suing in the English Courts ; but , if sued here , they will so far as possible be given an opportunity of defending themselves .
3 It is unhistorical to assume that children in the last century responded to death in the same way as children today ; children 's attitudes are largely conditioned by those of adults , and in our day the usual adult attitude is to evade the subject of death , to treat it as ‘ morbid ’ and , so far as possible , to exclude it from the home .
4 Chancellor Metternich , the reactionary old fox who did so much to determine the shape of Europe 's political advances after the downfall of Napoleon , did not like parliaments and , so far as possible , did without them .
5 Our aim is to minimise the inconvenience of delays so far as possible .
6 This achieved little , as it asked countries only to try ‘ so far as possible ’ to limit and ‘ gradually reduce and prevent air pollution using the ‘ best available technology which is economically feasible ’ .
7 In 1970 an agreement was reached between British Waterways Board , Leicestershire County Council , and the Leicestershire Branch of the Council for the Protection of Rural England to make part of the site accessible to the public and , so far as possible , to clear sufficient of the track to enable people to get some idea of how the system had been constructed and how it operated .
8 So far as possible she hid things , in a cupboard , under her bed , in an old trunk under the stairs .
9 We are obliged , therefore , to provide , so far as possible , quality and again , so far as possible , quality as perceived by them and not by us .
10 We are obliged , therefore , to provide , so far as possible , quality and again , so far as possible , quality as perceived by them and not by us .
11 No doubt in due course they would become equally vocal in their complaints about the French , but Thiercelin decided that so far as possible his own behaviour should be above reproach .
12 So far as possible , in the collection of all field data , the reader should be able to check the validity of reporting and should not have to trust the reporter too much .
13 So far as possible , therefore , the compilation eliminated all reference to missio ; but , as often , traces survive , and these have been put together by Impallomeni .
14 The wheels are of the best construction , having wooden felloes six inches deep , with strong iron centre pieces , and the inconvenience arising from sudden concussion has been guarded against so far as possible by the finest description of buffer springs .
15 In practice the programme usually means exercising sovereign control over a , so far as possible , continuous stretch of territory with clearly defined borders , inhabited by a homogeneous population that forms its essential body of citizens .
16 Secondly , it is to ensure that , so far as possible , appropriate dependence is enjoyed , and occurs in a climate of warmth and affection .
17 I think that so far as possible we need to be able to encourage the civic authorities to take whatever is the appropriate interest .
18 And in Dworkin it is evident in his views that ‘ government must be neutral on what might be called the question of the good life … [ and ] political decisions must be , so far as possible , independent of any particular conception of the good life , or of what gives value to life ’ .
19 And , so far as possible , all trace of his Jewishness was deliberately obscured , ignored or rendered irrelevant .
20 ‘ Since VJ day , the majority people of the area , the Vietnamese , have stubbornly resisted the re-establishment of French authority , a struggle in which we have tried to maintain so far as possible the position of non-support of either party ’ .
21 They mean that as well as being fed and warm , claimants should be able to buy newspapers , visit relatives , retain membership of trade unions and churches , and be able to live in a way that " ensures , so far as possible , that public officials , doctors , teachers , landlords and others treat them with courtesy due to every other member of the community " .
22 So far as possible , the upper and lower orders of society were made invisible to one another by the separation , in towns of the prosperous from the indigent , in houses of the servants from their masters .
23 One reason for Ho 's elusive quality is that he became used to operating unobtrusively ; so far as possible , invisibly .
24 My hypothesis is that there is a space for a socialist argument in favour of investment planning ; that such an argument could be presented in such a way as to appeal to organised labour and even to broader strata of the population concerned about employment prospects and their standard of living in retirement ; that if organised workers were to support the proposal they could use their union organisation to press for social accountability of their savings funds ; and that if the proposals were not linked to a ‘ dogmatic ’ pursuit of nationalisation they would stand a chance of recruiting some support from the more progressive elements of the state and corporate salariat — those whose technical expertise would be required in any such project , even if it is overlaid with oppressive ‘ professional ’ and ‘ managerial ’ ideologies — helping to isolate , so far as possible , reactionary financier elements .
25 ‘ Every step in the labour process is divorced , so far as possible , from special knowledge and training and reduced to simple labour .
26 Meanwhile , the relatively few persons for whom special knowledge and training are reserved are freed so far as possible from the obligations of simple labour ’ ( Braverman , 1974 , pp. 82–3 ) .
27 So far as possible the particulars of the charge shall be stated in simple terms , but they shall also show the precise offence in law with which he is charged .
28 The first is a simple reflection of the common view that one person should so far as possible be entitled to tell another person to mind his own business .
29 The aim of the legislation is to ensure that , so far as possible , shopkeepers and shop assistants do not have to work on Sunday : see Stoke-on-Trent City Council v. B. & Q. Plc. [ 1991 ] Ch. 48 , 66 , per Hoffmann J. But the prohibition against Sunday trading has become controversial in modern times .
30 ‘ The first is a simple reflection of the common view that one person should so far as possible be entitled to tell another person to mind his own business .
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