Example sentences of "so [adv] until [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The TV afternoons and the hours went so slow until he came back and turned the lights on .
2 We have a rough idea ( although we may be mistaken ) of the rate at which new stars form ; we suspect that many , if not most , of them have planets — and so on until we come to the question about how long our ‘ ideal ’ technological civilization might expect to endure , to which any answer must be the most unfounded of guesses .
3 Its plot is a ‘ circle of love ’ , as a succession of couplings begins with a nocturnal encounter between a whore and a soldier , and continues as the soldier has sex with a housemaid , the maid with her young master , the master with a married woman , and so on until we reach a count who returns us to the whore .
4 At the first fork they must go left and at the next fork right and so on until they were challenged .
5 On the next occasion they may get only as far as point C and so on until they are virtually unable to leave home .
6 Deep breath , hold it and so on until I 'm photographed from neck to thigh .
7 Put double this amount ( two grains ) in the second square , double that ( four grains ) in the third , and so on until you reach the 64th and final square . ’
8 So you will spell A C E and the fourth card will be an ace and so on until you only have the king left in your hand .
9 Comparisons at this level of guitar-building are difficult ; you 're welcome to argue the relative merits of Lowden , Martin , Santa Cruz , Taylor , old Fyldes and so on until you 're blue in the face , but the fact is that they 're all different guitars which excel in different areas .
10 If there 's anything embedded in it like gravel or something and it does n't come away easily you must n't , it comes under the categories of what you call foreign bodies , which first aider is not at liberty to poke about , you must leave foreign bodies that do n't come away easily where they are and bandage them round and send them off to hospital or a doctor , but assuming it 's just a little clean graze , if I have n't got a tap to put it under , then I must use little bits of gauze to wash , put in a bowl of water and just wipe , yeah , and you always wipe obviously from the centre of a wound towards the outside , otherwise if you start to wipe across the whole thing you take dirt from one side of the wound across and drop it off in the middle somewhere , so you wipe from the centre out and throw that piece away and you take another piece and wipe from the centre out and so on until you feel happy , quite happy .
11 And then same the other end , and so it went right through that waggon , and your coupling took the strain for the next waggon and so on and so on until you 'd got the complete train fitted up .
12 The next time you need to backup the directory you copy it into \WORK\WORK\WORK and so on until you feel that it is time to start the backup off from the start again .
13 Indeed it is this inaccuracy that leads to its often being called a circadian clock ( from the latin , circa — about ; diem — a day ) If it is correctly timed one day , it will be approximately 1 hour late the next , about 2 hours late the day after that , and so on until it will be ‘ useful ’ again after about 3 weeks .
14 Then step back out , then in — and so on until it feels complete .
15 When the first bowl has filled , the water falls into the second and so on until it reaches the pool below .
16 So therefore until they stay char start charging me some more money on it I 'm gon na keep quiet .
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