Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] try [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The answer given to the businessman was that he should be trying to assess the stream of future cash surpluses to be generated by each SBU .
2 We agree with Pondy that instead ‘ we should be trying to document the variety of styles available ’ ( 1978 : 90 ) .
3 What I am arguing is that we should be trying to rescue the market economy from the libertarian philosophy with which it has become entangled and regrettably identified .
4 They now supposed that Marian and Allen must be trying to pass the depression to the south , and if this were so there was still ample time to position themselves to cut off that route although it involved going considerably deeper into the forest and into territory where their own danger was greater .
5 For example in an advertising agency discussion about a new campaign to revive a soft drink one person might be trying to solve the problem of how an old drink can be called " new " in any sense ; another person might be trying to solve the problem of how " old " can be made appealing ; arid a third person might be trying to solve the problem of designing a theme that will sell not to the public but to the marketing manager who has to okay the campaign .
6 For example in an advertising agency discussion about a new campaign to revive a soft drink one person might be trying to solve the problem of how an old drink can be called " new " in any sense ; another person might be trying to solve the problem of how " old " can be made appealing ; arid a third person might be trying to solve the problem of designing a theme that will sell not to the public but to the marketing manager who has to okay the campaign .
7 For example in an advertising agency discussion about a new campaign to revive a soft drink one person might be trying to solve the problem of how an old drink can be called " new " in any sense ; another person might be trying to solve the problem of how " old " can be made appealing ; arid a third person might be trying to solve the problem of designing a theme that will sell not to the public but to the marketing manager who has to okay the campaign .
8 ‘ I 'll be trying to get the concert stopped .
9 After such a calculated and insulting snub , the Government fears that Mr Clinton may be trying to punish the Tories for supporting George Bush 's presidential campaign .
10 The director may be trying to demonstrate the situation as it was then , but in not offering the viewer some entree into the little we see of the Black peoples interaction with each other , she colludes with it .
11 He said he would be trying to bridge the gap between the board and the counties , who he thought ‘ perhaps felt they were n't having enough say . ’
12 He said he would be trying to bridge the gap between the board and the counties , who he thought ‘ perhaps felt they were n't having enough say . ’
13 John Aitken , defending , said he would be trying to persuade the court not to confiscate some of the weapons which were not on the charge .
14 Everyone would be trying to use the lift at that point — probably queuing for it .
15 The French would be trying to defeat the Prussians before the British and Dutch could come to their aid , while the Prussians , to be certain of victory , needed Wellington 's troops to march from Quatre Bras and assault the Emperor 's left flank .
16 If they are inaccurate , then the obvious strategy would be to try to rectify the perceptions , by persuading people that the system is not unjust after all .
17 Nenna had no more than an animal 's sense of direction and distance , but it seemed to her that the right thing to do would be to try to reach the City , then , once she got to Blackfriars , she knew where the river was , and though that would be Lambeth Reach or King 's Reach , a long way downstream of the boats , still , once she had got to the river she would be on the way home .
18 A second possibility would be to try to help the individual to become a ‘ planner ’ .
19 His advice to companies would be to try to make the costs of all types of accidents visible as a first step to targeting prevention , and the obvious way would be to put down the costs on to the already established cost centres within a company .
20 ‘ We will be trying to anticipate the needs of industry some five to 15 years down the road , ’ asserts David Shirley , Lawrence Berkeley 's director .
21 Their first job will be to try to pump the diesel still aboard into portable tanks .
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