Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] made a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , we should have made a moral commitment to the single currency .
2 It was a strange situation , which must have made a lasting impression on Richard , who was more than usually close to his mother .
3 Timmy must have made a wrong move , drew attention to himself . ’
4 She must have made a huge error in giving change somewhere along the line and she felt defeated .
5 He must have made a little joke .
6 As for the library , the surviving books without a proper building to house them must have made a dismal appearance .
7 But Jan Peerce makes a very coarse and unromantic Alfredo , and Licia Albanese , who might have made a good shot at the role of Violetta under more sympathetic direction , sounds particularly nervous and unsettled .
8 Flaubert might have made a similar avowal — ‘ I leave two children , Bouvard and Pécuchet ’ — because his only child , the niece who became a daughter , had departed into disapproving adulthood .
9 Ken , would you say though that erm one or two recent announcements connected with these judgments , I think including the er the judge in a recent M C C case which actually went I think against the administrators , b on shares but actually the judge said if the argument had been made that er these assets were held er on a trustee basis , then I might have made a different decision .
10 Thanks very much indeed for your report , Matthew , it 's certainly very informative , and in an ideal world , I think we might have made a different decision today .
11 Gregory might have made a deliberate choice .
12 He had a passionate love of music and in another world at another time might have made a fine musician , but there , held in that place at that moment , there were other plans , other duties , other paths .
13 He might have made a significant contribution to the public life of this country had he not been totally overshadowed by his illustrious father and had he not had such a burning desire to shine as bright or even brighter .
14 A goal then might have made a big difference .
15 Televising might have made a big impact on proceedings in one other area .
16 I might have made an angry reply about her own flaunting of herself at the male Ardakkean , but there was nothing to be gained by it .
17 ‘ I could have made a real mess of that hole , but I took a calculated gamble and it paid off , ’ added Faldo , who walked off the green with a bogey four — one shot less than he registered in the first round .
18 I could have made a real fortune becoming Mr Vietnam , I could have hit the lecture circuit , I could have spun it out into a fabulous little industry , but that 's not interesting .
19 Perhaps only Barrie could have made a successful match between two such unpromising characters — a man who boasts that he has never laughed in his life and a woman who is acutely aware of being devoid of charm .
20 It 's tricky , as someone who skis and mountaineers , to whine about the encroachment of ski developments in Scotland , especially when the developers of Aonach Mor spilt so much ink about how they were ‘ conservation friendly ’ , they could have made a major motion picture out of their press releases .
21 Eddie Gray is genuinely regarded by some clever football people to have been every bit as good as best , and could have made a similar name for himself had he not been dogged by injury .
22 Piggy might have been able to save the boys ; as with his sensible , mature attitude resulting from the trauma caused by his parents ' death , he could have made a great impact on the boys .
23 In each case good advice to the individual or family could have made a crucial difference .
24 Had I known that the previous year , I could have made a good case to contest the abolition of my old job .
25 ‘ Yes , I 'm sorry too , we could have made a good team , in business at least , though I realize we could never be friends or anything of that sort , but I 'm convinced it could have worked .
26 A very thoughtful cricketer , with a much greater knowledge of the game 's history than most players , one had the impression that he could have made a fine Test captain had the chance come earlier .
27 The Dons , who yesterday pulled in £2.5m from the sale of full-back Terry Phelan to Manchester City , could have made an instant profit on their newly-signed hitman .
28 Indeed , getting kitted up like a beatnik represented a self-help endeavour , of which , if he could have made an imaginative leap , Samuel Smiles himself would have been proud .
29 The doctors told me they had high hopes that in a year you 'd have made a full recovery .
30 He may have made a cool £250,000 out of writing George Michael 's biography , but he was cute enough to identify a demand for the tome , and lucky George did n't want to rip him off for the proceeds .
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