Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] them [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If your timing is right , Positive ideas of this kind may well give her hope and encouragement , but they should not be introduced too early in the grieving process , or she may regard them almost as an insult to the depth of her sorrow at a time when she is not yet ready to look to the future .
2 Before fifteen days are over , if it please God , those tambours shall be laid before you , and shall be sounded for your pleasure , and then they shall be given to the Bishop Don Hieronymo , that he may hang them up in the Church of St. Mary , Mother of God .
3 Galway will still go in as underdogs — an unusual position for them — but one that should suit them down to the ground .
4 Reinforcing this quest for the extraordinary , which by definition should bring them quickly to the margins of deviance , is the fact … that one of the frequent rewards of achievement is an immunity to many of the sanctions that constrain and punish the less successful .
5 I should keep them out in the orchard .
6 Perhaps we should educate them more in the ways of the world ?
7 Anyone finding them should hand them in at a police station or to any officer he said .
8 Their parents must lead them away from the nest site to other areas where they can collect food and find hiding places .
9 Cos they , they er Walter used to say , any positive voters we must get them out on the day .
10 That thought should get them deeper into the Castle , which is the general idea …
11 ‘ I 'll bring them up in the morning after breakfast . ’
12 Maybe that 'll bring them back on the next plane . ’
13 Like , when they come in here I 'll bring them down to the canteen and let them have Coke and sweets .
14 ‘ We 'll finish them off in a fortnight , ’ he said , as he celebrated 31st birthday .
15 Well we 'll sort them out in a minute .
16 No we 'll have them out of the paper , we 'll save on washing up , thank you .
17 You 'll have them back in a minute what you done with them ?
18 Sometimes the driver comes and takes one group out for half a day , then he 'll take another group out for half a day , or he 'll take them out for a full day 's picnic .
19 We 'll take them out in the car , go for a ride , and leave them somewhere with their throats cut .
20 As Henry removed his coat and set his briefcase down , Maisie 's fingers , like demented spiders in a bath , ran this way and that , in any direction , it seemed , that might lead them away from the wistful logic of the melody .
21 yeah , go on , cos I 'll get them back in a minute wo n't I ?
22 I 'll put them away in the fridge for you .
23 And erm she said all right and I said what do I do with them and she said I 'll put them down in the base at the back and I said all right so I went back on the shop floor just before I was coming out come out .
24 And I 'll put them back in the back .
25 So I 'll pick them up at the next brief .
26 You 'll find them all over the country .
27 The rash stings and burns , is worse ( < ) washing and water , worse ( < ) heat of the bed ; thirsty ; hot feet , may stick them out of the bed ; hot flushes of the skin which may look dusky and red ; burning stinging catarrhs from the eyes or nose ; dusky purplish skin and the rash does not come out ; slow convalescence and the patient is weak , tired and prostrate .
28 She stopped for a moment , then said suddenly , ‘ Let's look them up in the veterinary register and see roughly how old they are , judging from the year they qualified . ’
29 In many cases , one may trace them back to a very ancient past , though often the present-day festivals — surviving in the face of what is euphemistically called ‘ progress ’ — retain only a vestige of their former meaning and complexity .
30 He was taking a group of his own men plus dogs and their handlers out to the helicopter base where he could brief them together with the pilots .
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