Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] out of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Prospects : A pattern which may evolve out of the failures above ; its failure , however , could produce a turning of the tables and the triumph of :
2 Other negative feelings may arise out of the learning situation itself , or the student 's total ignorance of the language to be learned .
3 About 1 in 10 has now followed this route over the country as a whole , and in the costly Southeast as many as 20 per cent may opt out of the NHS .
4 ( c ) The causation of the public nuisance or the threat to public order must arise out of the use of the premises for the sale of alcoholic liquor .
5 If you must jump out of the loop , you should use UNTIL TRUE to " pop " the stack .
6 One layman summed up the feeling with the remark , ‘ If there were stolen goods anywhere on the premises , the Church must keep out of the matter .
7 Energy' Cinderella should step out of the grate
8 You yourself should go out of the room .
9 once the spawning is complete the female must get out of the male 's way and should be removed from the breeding tank , otherwise she may be harried to the point of being killed .
10 I 'll take him back to Strelsau and you must get out of the country as fast as you can . ’
11 She knew she must get out of the car quickly , or it would get stuck behind the steering wheel .
12 Instantly she knew that she too must get out of the Lodge .
13 She must get out of the house and breathe in some air that was free of the scent of leather .
14 ‘ You must come out of the sun , Mr Gray , ’ said Lord Henry .
15 ‘ The English department , ’ one parent said , ‘ should get out of the sex education business . ’
16 The right hon. Gentleman should get out of the habit of writing his supplementary questions before he hears the first answer .
17 The patient should get out of the house at intervals , if at all possible .
18 The social worker said I should get out of the house , so I got enticed down to Age Concern and passed the afternoon there .
19 Mrs Wilson had told him he should get out of the house more .
20 If a Labour government ca n't get the devaluation it wants , it should pull out of the ERM .
21 They believe Britain should pull out of the project and find another weapon to fill the same role .
22 If there is doubt and unbelief to be overcome , it is outside of us , and like St George we must venture out of the camp and slay the dragons for the honour of faith .
23 I 'll give you a room to work in , I 'll turn round and walk the other way whenever I see you , and I 'll stay out of the kitchen whenever you want to use it .
24 He fills it with a restless , bristling energy , as if he might clamber out of the frame and into real life .
25 When you push the chair down kerbs or ramps it is safest to go down backwards , as the patient might fall out of the chair if he is facing forwards as the chair tilts downwards .
26 Then I 'll clear out of the area .
27 Anything might come out of the sky .
28 If you 'll get out of the way , we 'll get him to his feet . ’
29 I 'll get out of the window .
30 ‘ Why , I 'll get out of the water , Yuan !
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