Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] its [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 In return , Israel must end its occupation of the West Bank and Gaza , territories that it captured in a war in 1967 , and let the Palestinians have a state there .
2 In May the then Norwegian Minister of Fisheries , Svein Munkejord , hinted that Norway might withdraw its membership of the IWC after the annual congress to be held in Nordwijk ( Netherlands ) on July 2-6 .
3 The new Premier , Clyde Wells , suggested on Oct. 30 that his province might rescind its ratification of the Accord unless the clause concerning Quebec 's status was dropped or amended .
4 On recommencing shooting the same locked-off camera would hold its picture of the empty set , that shot then being mixed with the replay , producing a finished recording of the ship apparently fading away while the background remains stable .
5 Ukrainian Prime Minister Vitold Fokin said on Jan. 29 that Ukraine would pay its share of the Soviet Union 's foreign debt ( 16.37 per cent ) independently .
6 The hunger strikes were called off on Oct. 20 , although the PPD said that it would continue its boycott of the National Assembly .
7 The deal will lift its share of the Spanish soft drinks market from 8 to 10 per cent and of the Portuguese market from 3 to 8 per cent .
8 Meanwhile the Getty Museum will continue its study of the Kouros and is mounting an exhibition at the Museum in January 1993 which will incorporate much of the debate from the recent conference .
9 For these reasons I would allow the appeal and order that the child be returned forthwith to the jurisdiction of the court in Ontario so that that court may continue its consideration of the applications which are currently before it .
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