Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] at [adv] one [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The DC must reference at least one module
2 This is prevented by LIFESPAN since a DC must reference at least one module to be meaningful ( since it makes no sense to have a DC otherwise as a DC 's sole purpose is to allow modules to be updated ) .
3 Last but by no means least , everyone should buy at least one copy of Olive Geddes ' fascinating Swing Through Time — the perfect Christmas present for golfers everywhere !
4 The teams must include at least one person with no working knowledge of education .
5 If your army is led by Azhag the Slaughterer it must include at least one unit of Orcs .
6 You may include Gorfang Rotgut in your army as an Orc Big Boss or as a Warlord if you wish , but if you take him your army must include at least one unit of Orcs .
7 Your army must include at least one unit of Goblins if it is led by Grom .
8 The BCom General degree is essentially similar , but the treble must be in Business Studies and other courses taken must include at least one course in Economics and one in Accounting .
9 No matter what else they do within the group , every volunteer must do at least one shift on the phones every fortnight .
10 In the remaining three compulsory areas , i.e. science , social studies and creative arts , it proposed that pupils should study at least one subject which falls under these headings .
11 Students who follow the beginners ' course must spend at least one month in Scandinavia before entering their second year .
12 Therefore , to have meaning , the disruption must share at least one dimension with both the structure and the observer .
13 However , the degree also has a taught component , as students must attend at least one postgraduate seminar every term over the two-year period of the degree , and are examined on their work in these courses .
14 WHEELCHAIR competitors in Sunday 's London Marathon have been told that instead of going for personal best times they must take at least one hour and 50 minutes to complete the course .
15 One subscriber to the memorandum is required , and must take at least one share where there is a share capital so that the company 's minimum share capital is £1 and not £2 as in the case of multi-member companies .
16 Each subscriber must take at least one share , and against his or her name must be shown the number of shares taken ( see s. 2(5) ) .
17 They must take at least one share each .
18 The rules of the game are that each person goes alternately and must take at least one match from one line .
19 For example , a centre must have at least one member of staff who is competent in APL techniques and there must be a plan to train all members of the centre 's APL team ; a central contact for APL must be appointed who will be responsible for organising APL within the centre and for liaising with SCOTVEC .
20 For example , if you have a Black Orc Warlord you must have at least one Mob of Black Orcs in your army .
21 For example , if you have a Forest Goblin as your Battle Standard Bearer you must have at least one Mob of Forest Goblins in your army .
22 A member bureau must have at least one paper version of NACAB 's information system , with a microfilm system only as an optional extra .
23 In the case of a firm in private practice such solicitor may be a principal , employee or consultant of the firm , provided that the firm must have at least one principal who is a solicitor who has been admitted for at least three years , or alternatively , in the case of a firm none of whose principals exercise any right of audience or right to conduct litigation or supervise or assume responsibility for the exercise of any such right , a foreign lawyer who has been qualified in his or her own jurisdiction for at least three years ;
24 The Solicitors ' Incorporated Practice Rules 1988 ( as amended ) require that an RB must have at least one solicitor shareowner and at least one solicitor director , and that only solicitors and RFLs may be shareowners or directors .
25 A Mob must have at least one Hunter team for every three Cave Squigs in order to control the Squigs properly .
26 An MNP must have at least one partner who is a solicitor admitted for three years or ( if the firm does no litigation or advocacy in England and Wales ) an RFL qualified in his or her own jurisdiction for three years — see Practice Rules 13(1) ( a ) below .
27 An RB must have at least one director who is a solicitor admitted for three years or ( if the RB does no litigation or advocacy in England and Wales ) an RFL qualified in his or her own jurisdiction for three years — see Practice Rule 13(1) ( a ) and ( 5 ) ( a ) above .
28 These changes must form at least one basis for analysis of the proposed British PWR .
29 That statesman , in 1732 , persuaded the Commons to consider abandoning its regular Saturday sittings , so that he ‘ might secure at least one day 's hunting a week ’ .
30 Every Christmas we could expect at least one toy apiece .
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